What about a dominion ending leaderboard?
1 year ago
Alsace, France


First of all, sorry for bad english cause i'm french.

I'm not good at this game but i love it and i discovered the dominion ending by doing all achievement of the game.

I made a routing of this category and i tought it would be cool to add it in the leaderboards.

It could be interesting to see the best runners on this category and it could be a new experience and wave for the game on SRC.

So i post here the video i made and i propose to create a new leaderboard for this category of the game.

Just an idea for the moderators ;)


California, USA

This category actually already exists under miscellaneous (the little arrow in the top right of the leaderboard)

Alsace, France

Hi Serena! I was asking for a Dominion NMG category, not just any% with glitches or all achievements cause i think it could be interesting. If it's possible plz ;)

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