I've been thinking for a while and I feel like this would be a good challenge and run. I was thinking on a "Jumpless" run. Example being that you have to complete the game with the least amount of jumps possible
Actually a minimum jumps category might not be too good of a new category idea, because if someone finds a new way to save a jump or something then the other runs would all be nullified. Do like the idea of a new category though
Thats the one thing which has stopped me from doing things like this in the past, which is why I think it should generally stay on unofficial leaderboards. A better idea might be a "minimum" jumps category, however the times are sorted by amount of jumps (lower=higher up) and in the case of ties, then it is decided by time. This makes more sense to me, what do you guys think?
that would be the opposite of speedrunnig, trying to get less jumps and go slower on purpose to achieve that.
Yeah I guess but there still is other categories that could be added that require you to go fast, for example something where you do adventure mode and infinite mode back to back.
Speedrun.com isn’t geared for high score runs at all. I don’t think it makes sense to add anything high score related unless it became a feature on the website. Until then, that stuff can be tracked on google sheets and whatnot.