New Timing Rules as of July 10th, 2020
4 years ago

We recently had a discussion in our discord about the timing for this game and came to the conclusion that as of July 10th, 2020 we're using a different timing method. Timing starts at selecting 1-1 and will now end on closing kamek's textbox in the final level instead of the final bowser hit. This was chosen as you haven't beaten the game yet with the original timing that was chosen long before we came around and you could still technically die. We felt that it's not an appriopiate place to end the run. We've carefully looked at our other options and went with the last input before the credits for multiple reasons. The other method we considered was to end at the results screen but after a lot of consideration we came to the conclusion last input made more sense along with it being easier to time for the leaderboards. It's also in line with the original Yoshi's Island timing which is a nice bonus.

This means that from July 10th 2020 onwards runs will now end at the last kamek textbox after having beat the boss. Any runs that were done prior to this will receive a 28 second time penalty to make up the difference. Unfortunately not a nice solution but we figured this was the best way to go about it. Vods would end before the new timing ends, vods that did include this part of the game wouldn't at all rush to this point and we don't know what happened in runs without video. Therefore we thought a time penalty of 28 seconds would make the most sense. I hope you understand we took this decision with the best in mind for the community and it's future. Over the next week we'll slowly update the leaderboards to reflect the new timing rules.

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