Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hello all!

Welcome to the beginning of the first ever end of year Wizard101 tournament. Today begins the qualifying phase which will last until December 6th 2023 at 11:59pm EST. The goal of this phase is to seed the runners based on speed before the bracket begins on Dec 9th. Your qualifying time will be the sum of three runs: General Akilles%, Harvest Lord% and Alicane Swiftarrow%. The runner with the fastest overall time will be seeded first and so on. You can submit as many runs as needed as long as all were ran and submitted before the qualifying phase ends. All runs must still abide by the leader-board rules and any attempts to submit invalid or old runs will result in disqualification.

Bracket Phase:

Following the qualifying phase, the top runners will be seeded into a bracket and play 1v1 matches to determine who moves on. The match format will be a "best of" race similar to other e-sports which in order to win a match a runner must win 2 rounds. There are five categories to choose from: the three from the qualifying phase in addition to Kraken% and Golem Court%. Each runner gets one ban and one pick executed in seed order. The remaining 5th map not banned or chosen will be played as a tiebreaker if the match goes to a third round. During the finals, runners will get an additional pick instead of a ban and must have 3 rounds to win the match and be crowned champion. A more detailed document can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTQ4kv_hmk7DxcKXCRGbsFDvML4kVZ4UQbaEWsyvRsbN345jJWgRvproxClFNpZ98Uw-Ev-_B-YZYb4/pub

You will be submitting runs through a google form found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6Zi4jgZj9qYfQQyzzIfgz1ePjwToUXsOHI4tmQOpyuazb0A/viewform

Current Leader-board can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/7/d/e/2PACX-1vQEt_Ppyif9mdYRK0QGTQQCF5y5h_UkQwPdFbIy7g92V9ILlPIdaG8SX-Q6Ff1i8sru5mfaWZybmlS4/pubhtmlIf you have any questions regarding the tournament you can join our discord (This is a requirement anyways) and ask: https://discord.gg/KgQ5J9tUwD

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hello Everyone,

Today we are announcing the first ever End of Year Wizard101 Speedrunning Tournament. This is the first open qualifier tournament we have had since the Colossus Cup almost two years ago.


  • Qualifying period: Nov 18th - Dec 6th
  • Bracket Style Tournament: Dec 9th-10th

General Information:

  • Runners must set a time during the qualifying period
  • The top runners will be seeded based on qualifying time into the bracket (exact number and style of bracket tbd based on number of participants)
  • Exact qualifying and match categories and rules will be revealed at the beginning of the qualifying period.

In addition, we will be having a community day from 7pm - 10pm EST(Time subject to change) to kick off the qualy period and for people to hang out and do some runs.

We are hoping y'all are as excited for this as we are and stay tuned for more information.

Make sure to join the official discord server for up-to-date information regarding the tournament.


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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hi Everyone,

As you have noticed, the leaderboard continues to change over time and we wanted to give you an update about the current state of the leaderboards. First of all, congratulations to the Shadow Demons for their win of the CSC speedrunning event this year as well as placing first overall.

As Mal mentioned previously, we have created the Category Extensions Board to allow us to add more unique and fun categories that don't really fit on the main board. In addition, we have removed some retired categories and temporary events to a new spreadsheet in an attempt to preserve the history of the board.

Separate from the Speedrun.com leaderboards, we are also introducing the Extension Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will serve as a home for new and experimental categories to live in until they reach enough runs to become to be moved to the speedrun.com boards. There is no set timeline for moving a category to the boards but the more runs a category has, the more likely we will move it sooner. The first two categories on this spreadsheet are the revived Golem Court% and a new meme category Larry%. If the category you are running is not currently on the spreadsheet/leaderboard, fill out the submission form and a moderator will get back to you. Runs can be submitted through the "Excel" Category on the extensions page and we will review them like normal runs and transfer them to the spreadsheet when approved.

You will also notice on the Category Extension Board a "Dungeons" section. We are excited to add this as this is something that has been asked about very often. When KI approached us this year about having a Darkmoor category for CSC, we used this as the jump start we needed to finally add them to our boards. At the start, we are introducing two dungeons: Darkmoor and Mount Olympus. Now dungeon runs operate very differently from the rest of the leaderboard meaning any wizard can be used to run these categories allowing wizards of any level to team up and speedrun a dungeon together. Now there are some caveats with this. Lower-level dungeons will be having a pseudo "level cap" placed on run submissions meaning you are limited to the gear, spells, and potions you would have at the appropriate level to take on the dungeons as well as no treasure cards. In addition, crowns gear will not be allowed to allow in these lower-level dungeons to be as accessible as possible and provide more of a challenge. The exceptions to this are pets (all pets are allowed) and mounts (any non-multi-player 40% mount is allowed) as long as you do not get a set bonus from them. Higher-level dungeons (Ex: Darkmoor) are "Unrestricted" meaning everything is fair game similar to the CSC rules. The best part is you can run dungeons with any number of players 1-4. The Darkmoor CSC runs have already been added to the duo category. So get your friends together, come up with cool strats, and race to be the fastest. We are planning a lot more dungeons in the future so submit any potential ones you are interested in to the Excel sheet for consideration.

In addition, we have revamped our community discord and are excited to announce official community events. The goal of these events is to provide fun for players of all skill levels as well as entertainment. These events can be anything from tournaments and bingo challenges to category reveals and community-run days. We are hoping to have at least one big event per month with smaller impromptu events happening every so often. If you ever see anyone in a voice channel, feel free to pop in and say hi. The August one just happened last weekend with a Wizard City% Invitational and a Community Run day and are already planning our September event.

If some of these things sound exciting, we would love to have you in our discord where we will be hosting a lot of these events. This was a very long read (and took me even longer to write) so thank you for making it this far and happy running!

Discord: https://discord.gg/KgQ5J9tUwD

Category Extension Leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/wizard101_category_extension

Retired Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTQxPhQj6eC7lRVBPewbSpmrty5_RT6v07YyNAQRdZC8WAUPt2ps_xHzd6JqqNWmVuOVaPRAnrY6xM0/pubhtml#

Category Extension Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/3/d/e/2PACX-1vTSdNXLZI5_NUqc6Kb41G3qX_3uQQumQ5NxFfJWtNDHBAR6ZKkLNOHOpxQ0Dt7brua94IDAVn90usnk/pubhtml#

Category Submission Form: https://forms.gle/DjBsz3kZU3D28p3GA

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hello everyone!

We decided a few days ago to apply for a category extension page for Wizard101 and it has been approved. This means we can put more unique and meme type categories on those boards instead of saturating the main board with them!

We decided 'Die%' would be the first category there, as quite a few of us already had Personal Bests on it and its been a meme category for years and of course we have our own ideas on what to add next. We are open to all suggestions if you wanna pop over to those boards and write a forum post with ideas.

You can find it by clicking the leader boards drop-down and clicking "Category Extensions" or by using this link.

Link: https://www.speedrun.com/wizard101_category_extension

Thanks, The Moderators

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hello everyone!

We (the moderators) have decided we would like your feedback on a couple things on how to handle the boards and community going forward. Please fill out this form so we can collect some data on what people would like to see going forward. These potential changes include:

• Adding dungeons to the leaderboard • Hosted events • Timing changes to Wizard City% • Removing Dead/Retired Categories

This form should only take a minute to fill out so please help us by giving us feedback. We will leave it open for about a month so get your responses in ASAP.

Thanks, The Moderators https://forms.gle/gXcfikBXKLj27yL78

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce the KingsIsle hosted speedrun Charity event! From now until 11:59pm CT January 1st, 2023, For every player whose run beats the last-place run on each category leaderboard (as of November 16th, 2022), KingsIsle will be donating $25 to Games Done Quick. That means for Wizard101, a single player can enable $125 to go to charity!

The following categories are a part of this Speedrun Charity Event:

  • Harvest Lord%
  • General Akilles%
  • Alicane Swiftarrow%
  • Wizard City%
  • Krok% (This category is NOT F2P)

You can also win crowns by speedrunning and placing well! A prize breakdown is listed here: (The top 5 runs are eligible for a 2,500 Crowns Livestream bonus)

  • 1st place = 10,000 Crowns
  • 2nd place = 5,000 Crowns
  • 3rd place = 2,500 Crowns

All other details you can find on their site as it goes into even more detail than here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/2022SpeedrunCharityEvent

NOTE: If you are currently on the leaderboards, a final run does NOT need to beat your current time to be eligible for the charity aspect of this event. It only needs to beat the last-place time as described above.

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End of Year Tournament Qualifying Information

Hello all!

Welcome to the beginning of the first ever end of year Wizard101 tournament. Today begins the qualifying phase which will last until December 6th 2023 at 11:59pm EST. The goal of this phase is to seed the runners based on speed before the bracket begins on Dec 9th. Your qualifying time

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