Rearrangement of the page aka "why is my run gone???"
7 years ago

hey there,

I rearrenged the page into 3 main categories with the different factions as subcategories. As I wasn't careful enough I lost some runs in the process. I got all the world records back on the page but if you want to claim your second or third place again please resubmit the run and it will be confirmed shortly afterwars.

Sorry for the hassle!

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Really weird that that happened since my run still shows on my page but not on the LBS. I had a few questions before I resubmit though because I didn't find the rules clear.

What's the difference between all three? Is Any% all Strongholds but if an AI beats another stronghold you don't have too capture? And then All Strongholds you do and 100% capture all fields?

I'm sorry the rules really aren't clear to me "defeat all AI enemies" to me is the exact same as defeat all the strongholds.


hey, the problem was that I added new criteria and made them mandatory. so the site does not show runs with the criteria missing.

let me explain the categories and the reasoning behind them. lets start easy:

  • any% -> finish the game as fast as possible using any means
  • 100% -> finish the game while conquering every single zone. so you have to finish with a stronghold as the game ends with the last AI killed

now the more difficult one: all strongholds. the idea behind this was to keep the runs done so far still on the site and keep the fun and variety of doing all the different stronghold missions. so the first draft was "you have to defeat every AI by yourself". this has the problem that if one AI kills another the run is invalid and you have to start over again. after this has happened to me 3 times in a row in my space marine attempts it was clear to me that this rule has to be changed. it is no fun if you do 11 of 13 missions and then the necrons kill the ig (or vice versa) and you have to start all over again. so I changed the rule to "you have to conquer all strongholds by yourself even if it was previously conquered by another AI" or shorter "you need to have control of all the strongholds at the end". maybe this would be more clear.

if you have another idea how to get around this problem please let me know.

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