From just watching the runs I can basically understand what each one is, but theres no actual concrete game rules clarification on them to know what they actually are and how they work, other than the gamemode and vehicle types allowed.
Please check and view the rules there is a small button on each category that says view rules;
All Speed runs must have a minimum of 10 bots( 4 in your team, 5 in enemy), BUT an exception is made for the death speedrun.
It MUST be done in a custom battle, real players aren't allowed in the speed run unless spectating.
It is recommended to use livesplit.
Any map is allowed
The run starts the second you spawn
Show creation of custom battle(unless death speedrun then show joining of battle with lineup+ Vehicle modification menu)
State your vehicles maps and mode in the description of your video.
All speedruns must be done in ground battles, there is an exception made for helicopters.
You MUST show your vehicles modification menu
You may leave the custom battle to change map but please cut out the failed parts
You may equip parts, fpe and NVD as they don't affect the vehicles speed.
If you have any questions, join the discord. (
Now there are subcategories in Death% for surrendering on different airfields. Landing on an enemy Airfield gets you a unique countdown 'You will be captured in [time]' and a death message of 'Crew surrendered'.