Took way more practice in an unrelated track to learn the good things about MT enough to apply them here. And time wise, I must have played the track around 2-3 hours in total between different sessions on the Arcade version alone [which I started playing after grinding my hands to dust with the 32X version and best I could get there being 3rd in Normal difficulty].
The session of today where I got this was approximately 40 minutes of runs in this track, as I had a few runs where the best I got was 2nd either because of overall mistakes in the race leaving me with not enough time to catch up...or being right there near 1st and eating a random car to the face.
My first 3rd Place finish in this track was a 4'20 time [it's in the replay channel if you're curious] and played with a Keyboard only- with adjusted paddle+steering sensitivity in MAME to be actually playable with digital controls.
So yeah, learning Manual Transmission to use the downshifts and upshifts to control and gain speed faster after big brake moments hellped a lot, like with how I learned the absolute strength of downshifting to 5 in the big turn and then braking because I'd know that Gear 5 would easily make me pick up the speed I lost, but also Mouse Steering is the entire reason why I could even do precise steering for precise lines at all without a controller available.
Shoutouts to @rebu_uber on Youtube for their Daytona and Scud Race runs that were played in KB+M and gave me the idea to try it with this game- theoretically easier to use here because lines and effective braking is the most important thing rather than controlling drifts.
- Cyriss Zeal
Thank you for your interest in the leaderboard. Going forward we need to know which emulator and version your using for the runs. It's cool stuff and I wish you the best of luck with future runs!