тема: DOOM Eternal
Pennsylvania, USAyote4 years ago

As a mod of several other communities and someone who has witnessed new categories come to fruition from community requests, it is extremely obnoxious for someone to force their way into something like this and request new categories day after day when you don't run any of these categories which you suggest that we create. The leaderboard is only for categories that are considered official by the community, but that does not stop you from running these categories which you suggest that we create. Better yet you can choose your own ruleset rather than what has already been defined.

If running the category is what you care about, do it independent of the leaderboard. If you only want the category to be created, for the sake of making empty space on a leaderboard or being to only the runner with a free world record, I think that almost everybody in this community, even other console runners, has asked you to stop at some point.

NoraMaclean и CreeperHntr нравится это
Pennsylvania, USAyote4 years ago

I personally would be more partial to having a route where I can do wisps and skills in any order that I choose. As someone who is a fan of glitches categories, I see no problem with sequence breaks and, for example, having resources like launch before doing the Wellspring. It adds a unique way of playing the game that further separates the speedrun from a normal play through of the game.

I do, however, understand the appeal of NMG and NMS categories and I certainly respect anyone who enjoys running them. I would appreciate if there should be a separate No OoB, or whatever is decided upon, and a No Restrictions All Wisps on this leaderboard.

XeroGoFast нравится это
тема: Spectrum
Pennsylvania, USAyote5 years ago

Also working on making an image autosplitter

Elvi75 нравится это
тема: The Site
Pennsylvania, USAyote5 years ago

I, personally, appreciate the changes to the general style to make the site look more rigid and sleek. It works really well with sub-categories now.

But, please bring back the option to have backgrounds and further customization options. Banners are cool, but many of us prefer backgrounds and would love to have the option back. Needless to say, this update ruined all the themes that many leaderboard moderators put some time and effort into and removed a lot of personality from each game's page.

Racoonix, Imaproshaman и 3 другие нравится это
тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

far cry new dawn

тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

Regardless of who creates the rules, the community either adapts or makes them evolve. This game never had a large enough community where that could happen. The rules never had a chance to evolve and have stayed the same for the past year. I will consider this when BnH and I make the starting rules for FC:ND.

тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

The rules where made by BnH, who is the head mod. There is a time when change may be necessary, but this is a such a minor inconvenience to those running the game that it does not warrant retiming all the runs for Any% and NAE.

тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

The rules specify that the credits skip is the last input. Thus the leaderboards are correct.

тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

I never agreed with it in the first place, but if we changed something like that now, it would be too much of a change relative to all the previous runs in Any%

The rest of the categories should stay the same for consistency.

тема: Zup! 4
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago
SpeedyFolf нравится это
тема: Celeste
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

I feel bad for the leaderboard mods for having to deal with this kind of stuff.

Reminder that all categories are arbitrary in the first place and where they belong is just as arbitrary.

OddBod и nullscythe нравится это
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

Best meme category is any% cp

Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

All hearts but without speedrunning tech 🤔

тема: Celeste
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

The only significant difference is feathers so it seems like more work that it’s worth to edit the 500+ current runs. I could see it as a possibiltity for future runs being submitted.

тема: Light Fall
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

ESA - Répétition FR (FR) Normal Any% by Dedew

ESA - Summer 2018 (ENG) Normal Any% by Dedew

Dedew нравится это
тема: Celeste
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

I think 80 or 100 red berries would be a fun category extension, but it has no place on the main leaderboards.

тема: Celeste
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

The issue with having portions of ARB is how it wouldn’t be like SM64 where you collect the fastest stars, or berries in this case, but you would collect most, if not all, berries up to the goal and then stop so you have to play less of the game. The levels are too linear to do something like this and excluding Core from the run just cuts 6-7 minutes off of what is now an incomplete run.

OddBod нравится это
тема: Far Cry 5
Pennsylvania, USAyote6 years ago

Ng+ will be added and NAE will remain the same.

Remember_Nam нравится это
О yote
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