тема: The Grinch
user78997 years ago

I've found the following in the comments of a YouTube video. You said that the game crashed at the Artificial Mind logo. I've had the same problem after downloading from a certain source. A few more people have had the same problem. You said that you've fixed it, but you changed your Windows to 98, which is old. Maybe you can make it work on Windows 10. The following may work: right click TheGrinch.exe, click Properties, Compatibility, then change some things there. I put arrows everywhere and changed to Windows 7 and this fixed it for me but I was using Windows 7. Another person said to enable reduced colour mode and select 16-bit, then click apply, but I think that there was no reduced colour mode for me. Also some people may not know that to open the book in the game you have to press F1, not ESC. Maybe don't delete this thread because it may help someone.

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тема: The Grinch
user78997 years ago

The "cloak thing" hasn't been known for just 8 months. See this video: at 8:50. It's been known for at least 3.5 years because that's how old the video is.

тема: The Grinch
user78997 years ago

At 43:15 ChurchnSarge was wrong that he was defenceless against the mosquitoes there.

Or at 38:53 of this run

You can defeat them with the electric shocks near the scout guard house or near the female skunk.

But that takes a lot more time than just using your breath or a weapon or getting hit by one possibly just once and it's not worth it for the speed runs of the game.

тема: The Grinch
user78997 years ago

In ChurchnSarge's 47:33 run at 33:28 ( it's possible to double jump over the fence, with or without touching it. But it's not too consistent. Walking around is consistent.

There are two useful videos made by ChurchnSarge here: and

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

I've tried testing sleigh parts for a new skip or observation after noticing the johncarls the Wholake GPS skip. I haven't found anything useful. I'm posting this so that others don't have to test it themselves. If I remember correctly, here's what I've tried: getting all the sleigh parts except the marine mobile, then except the GPS, marine mobile, then except the GPS, the Dump, then except the GPS, the Whoforest, then except the GPS, Downtown Whoville, then except the Dump. Apparently all the sleigh parts are needed except the GPS, but this might be more complicated. I've also tried getting all the sleigh parts except the GPS like johncarls did and it worked like it's seemingly supposed to.

This is all at least with my PC version.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

There was a great new observation in ChurchnSarge's current Any% 47 m 33 s WR run that in Downtown Whoville when you're with the cloak you can jump on the kid and then on the platform, which can get rid of the swinging cutscene entirely from the run in some cases and also gets rid of the swinging there, which Jumpyluff hates (he said so in his current 100% WR 2:27:50 run at 4:40, where he also failed the jump 7 times in a row) and ChurchnSarge has also mentioned it is hard. The particular swinging might be annoying and less consistent. The new observation might also be a glitch.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

This video shows some glitches that don't seem to be useful.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

I filmed it with my phone, uploaded to YouTube. I'm a bit lazy to search for a better method.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

I've edited the post with the bullseye observation if you haven't noticed. Also see my replies about the truck observation in another thread. Thanks.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

When you get from Mount Crumpit to Downtown Whoville, you can go to the right, jump on the blue/purple building, then double jump to the platform where the painter stands. This might be a glitch because the creators might have intended the swinging to be the only way to get there in the beginning.

It's also possible to jump on the second and the green (when you swing to the top) house in the Whoforest by double jumping.

It's also possible to hit the bullseye from the ground in the Whorest. I've been able to do it without binoculars while standing some steps away from the swings at a close to a right angle, or like 60 degrees, from the bullseye. It's of course a lot easier with binoculars, or easier when you're on the top after swinging.

This is all at least with my PC version. Thanks.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

Double jump to the front of the car between the boats to jump on the car, then jump again to jump on the boats. Keep running forward before and after you double jump to jump as far as possible.

This is all at least with my PC version.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

Ok, I've edited out that part. Cheers.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

You can jump over the fence in the second level of Who Lake where there's a scout guard whom you're supposed to scare off with a skunk.

There's a place where the fence is short enough that you can jump over it by putting Max right next to it, then with Grinch jumping on Max and jumping again. You can use Max as a tool to jump slightly higher. It seems to be impossible without Max and some other fence places don't seem to work.

The place is the first corner or further (e.g. second corner) when you go straight to the scout guard and to the left.

So you can get inside the place while the scout guard is still there. (Also, an interesting thing is that the electrifying thing inside the place has the purpose of killing the flying monsters (mosquitoes) if you weren't aware and if it wasn't obvious.)

This definitely saves time if you don't care about the gift that the scout guard drops. No more little cutscene and sending Max as a skunk to scare off the guard. You could call this glitch "skunk skip".

I've even been able to jump on the house by jumping on the fence and then again. But there's nothing interesting on the house. The same for all the other houses in the second level of Who Lake. I've been able to jump on all of them by using nearby platforms such as a boat, gift, sonic scarecrow, Max.

Another fun little thing that isn't useful is that when you use the sonic scarecrow and successfully get to the other side, you can go straight and double jump on the platform where the scout guard stands. Then you can send Max to run around the other side of the door. Or you can go there as Grinch but you may be sent to the Villa level. Or you can stand very close to any Who Lake open doors and send Max to run around the other side.

Another useless fun little thing is that you can visit mayor's villa as Grinch without the scout uniform. To do this, be with the scout uniform to make the scout guard move a bit, then get rid of the scout uniform, then wear the scout uniform again, visit the scout guard again to make him move even more. Now get rid of the scout uniform again and move through the very right side of the door.

This is all at least with my PC version. Cheers.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

In the YouTube video "The Grinch: Any% Speedrun in 48:55.70 [Former WR]" (how it's titled at the moment) by Jumpyluff

At 37:55 you don't need the white platform. You can jump on the car by running into it and double jumping, then jumping again. That might save a few seconds.

It is a glitch because obviously the creators intended the white platform to be used to jump on the car.

You can also jump over a small fence in the beginning of Who Lake to possibly save a few seconds. But the jump might not be consistent. Walking around is consistent.

This is all at least with my PC version. Cheers.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

I tried it again and this time I didn't have this problem. I had it before if I remember correctly.

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

I'm sorry. I didn't notice you put Max underneath there. I've tested the glitch and it works on my PC version. I've deleted the post. To conclude, there was only one problem if I remember correctly for me on my PC version (I completed 100%), namely an octopus blueprint missing after I reenter the computer (they're all there at first but one is gone if I accidentally reenter), which reappears after I reenter again a few times. Interestingly I didn't have to get the Binoculars gadget to get the motorcycle game (I completed everything but somehow missed the Binoculars). After I then got the Binoculars, nothing changed (no credits, etc.).

тема: The Grinch
user78998 years ago

Near the Mayor's Villa in Who Lake it's possible to be with the scout's uniform and use Grinch's gadgets at the same time (this has been mentioned in another post in this forum (you said it's a known glitch)). How to create this glitch? How can I be with the scout's uniform and use Grinch's gadgets at the same time near the Mayor's Villa in Who Lake? Cheers.

О user7899
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Игры, за которыми следят
The Grinch
The Grinch
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