United Statessppadde5 years ago

How about a lesser category that is just going straight to the last level on Atlantic Accelerator? The run is less than 1 hour and was pretty fun to be tight on equipment and upgrades.

I've got a video here

United Statessppadde7 years ago

Optimized based on 2h1m run

  Questions:                          Answer:
---------                     	-------
Spells in Ninth Circle            	8
Different Armor Materials         	4
Beasts in Erstam's Book          	52
Types of Reagants                	11
Reagants for Mass Death           	6
Boil Ginseng how many times      	40
Circle for Create Automata        	6
Reasons for Erstams History       	1
Characters in Ophidian writing   	36
People from how many cities       	4
How many cities established       	3
Forces in Balance                 	6
Clans in Monitor                  	3
Types of Weapons                  	4
Words of Power                   	27
Letters in a womans name          	6
Other Land Marks           	      4

INTRO SPLIT --- -Get bedroll, bag with lockpicks

  • loot money cityhall
  • get 3 items for Crenellations northeast stairskip, get 15 items (buy breads) for Mint stairskip. -(get serpent crown and fawn serpent gate key?) -go directly to mint, build 15 bread bridge -save, climb onto roof, run southeast into spell animation, loot Mint.

GOLD BAR SPLIT --- -talk to Flindo, free Hawk, talk to Hawk, get on boat. -Talk to Flindo after landing, Get 1 blood moss, Ask for spellbook, talk to innkeeper and Petra, read Roto scroll. -Talk to Flindo again, get lightning whip(?), teleport to banquet

MAGE BANQUET SPLIT --- -talk to Bucia about Pothos, give bloodmoss to Pothos, get mantra for Turtle, LOOT NIGHTSHADE, SULFUR, BLACK PEARL, SPIDERSILK eat invis potion. -go to Roto’s house, GET RITUAL BLOOD DEVICE + Tooth in bag, kill automaton, talk to Magelord, use barge to free companion, GET IRON MAIDEN. -go to Mad Mage, create Boydon, get Jawbone, talk to Mad Mage for 2x more teeth.

JAWBONE SPLIT --- -go to monk isle get 3 buckets (right,1st top), find redhead monk (below monastery or in field on right), ask about salt tides, sleep 4hrs and ask him again, get 3 roots, die by iron maiden.

  • get False coin from Stefanos house, get spellbook, get comb of beauty -False coin 100 Monet (sleep if she’s not at shop) at Bucia get Guilders. -Buy Telekinesis (Mort), Restoration (Mort’s desk), Fetch (Melino), Serpent Bond (Mort), Create Ice (Frigi’s Lab chest), then go to SSeed

SILVER SEED START SPLIT --- dragon riddle: 1, 4, 0, 14 Room 1: lever 2; Room 2: levers 1, 2, 5; Room 3: levers 1, 2, 3, 6 -Get keyring + false coin gold coins Buy MASS SLEEP + Buy Vibrate -Get Ring of Reagants, get 3+ Powderkegs from Outpost, light helmet maze, dragon riddle, kill Liche(29 hits on bloodletting device) -Silver Seed purity test skip with pillar, GET MONITOR TOOTH (down right magic door) -Find Chill scroll left building at top, transcribe one, False coin gold coins to build stairway. Build stairway next to the brass door between the two northern buildings.

FURNACE STAIRSKIP SPLIT --- -head north, follow mountains to former 3 bread staircase, make 3 bread on other side (or false coin gold coins[$ for cheese]) -SLEEP TO HEAL MANA(? Mana somehow recovered in dream), Cast Serpent Bond, quickly move spellbook+ring of Reag + IronMaiden to ally, run into into swamp as snake -head to Dreams of your Enemies where Batlin is, Vibrate him -climb onto bannister [drop item] next to chairs, climb on banister. -Create iceblock on space below banister. -vertical stack of one item to stand on on iceblock, stand on it -wait for ice to vanish, wiggle an item on banister, fall -get serpent sword, deposit items on ally, suicide via IronMaiden.

SERPENT SWORD SPLIT --- -Go get Serpent Staff -go Bull, cast Vibrate on Selina for key, buy 20 cheese -climb sheep Ruins south of Bull with real item ensure you can get over it, use orange teleporter -Build 15 set staircase in front of Blue teleporter

CHAOS STAIRSKIP SPLIT --- -climb stairs, follow wall until you find alchemy apparatus and bed of furs. -Fetch on key, return to cloth ladder and unlock doors, use powder keg to SW on door in companion inventory -get gold plates downright of vampire room for stairs(?) -Read Vampire scroll -Vibrate vampire, kill him take key for teeth and get Flux analyzer. -magic unlock door on left, kill skeleton take 2 Teeth -build stairskip (15 piece gold plates) near gwani horn -suicide with Iron Maiden -Make 15 piece Staircase onto ice mtns outside Gwani’s -head north, save, powder keg the trapper’s door -Kill Hazard trapper, open chest get amulet, loot fur boot + Amulet, return to Yenani for last area (sunrise isle) tooth.

TRAPPER AMULET SPLIT ---- -climb staircase, go to the right and south to the staircase at Vampire’s -return to Moonshade, go to trial room telekensis jail door, fetch key off desk.

MTNS OF FREEDOM SPLIT --- -get black rock sword, leave. Use flux analyzer on it, drop flux -warp to monitor(down) -Go to South of BullCow warp, return to vampire and exit northeast into Ice, get Silverpate treasure 1st blackrock serpent

SILVERPATE SPLIT ---- -go to wall of lights by wrapping around clockwise to backdoor. -masssleep then kill Selina minions then Selina, transcribe scroll -use left fountain to sleep companions, Lights cutscene, hourglass revive allies after cutscene

WALL OF LIGHTS SPLIT --- -take batlin’s Teeth and 2nd serpent, take 4kegs + mana potions from right, exit -(WALK OUTSIDE THEN suicide, GET GWANI HORN!) -teleport to northern forest (far right then down) -give comb to Yelinda in swamp, need for Serpent Armor -blow up doors to banes -sneak along top wall of bane room, mass sleep, kill banes w blacksword, revive them, drop blackrockswrd

BANES DEAD SPLIT ---- -suicide to Moonshade (left, 1st down) GET GUSTACIO BASEMENT TOOTH! -talk to Stefano (house or inn) kill death knight, get key, GET GUSTACIO BASEMENT TOOTH! -get blackrock serpent from Stefano old house

FINAL BLACKROCK SPLIT ------- -warp to FAWN right first down -picklock get serpent armor, exit fawn serpent gate

SERPENT ARMOR SPLIT –-- -Head to Temple Logic (bottom right right) -Do ice maze, blow gwani horn (warm gear for Iolo now?), RED YELLOW BLUE RED WHITE teleporters -translate spell BCOW(B Right, B Left, T Right, T Left) -vibrate the automata in room on right, pocket key, do left door puzzle -get water of Logic, pick it up

LOGIC SPLIT ----- -Go to Ethicality (Bottom right, bottom) NEED TOOTH FROM GUSTACIOS HOUSEz -Complete ethicality test, “Risk Death", "Leave the Money", and "Continue" -get water of Ethics, pick it up USE SERPENT GATE

ETHIC SPLIT ------- -Go to Discipline (top right, right) -push button, Go down left stairs, get key from invis chest, go up right stairs get Y shape bottom right, Blue on Left is enough. -go down central staircase, go north through acid STEP HEAL STEP HEAL. -get water of Discipline

DISCIPLINE SPLIT ----- -pour Logic on Iolo, Discipline on Dupre, Ethics on Shamino, get TP’d to monk isle. (no longer need companions – okay if they die) -talk to Xenka, get tooth, GO FAR RIGHT THEN UP -follow serpents on floor get TP’d then grab scroll from mummy. -Place scroll on left pedestal. -read book, Dispell field, collect red eye, leave via gate

RED EYE SPLIT ---- -take serpent gate to sunrise isle -get icons, put on altars, (map) -given book to enter temple, read 2x to make bridges to enter temple -get ice diamond and fire token to open doors, -push both top west buttons, telekensis southwest room, button under stair illusion on west, telekinesis middle first floor on east side, button in now open room on ground floor west side. -take key from first floor west side, use teleporter, take fire key go outside open west side door take 2 ice cubes. Take ice. Place 4 cubes on pedastel -wear Serpent staff, crown, armor(?). Run up, drop those 3 items on table -return to door, try to run up (hug right side to avoid serpent dialog and ice golems) -go straight up, stick blackrock in holes, place red and blue eye on pedastel, stab statue with sword.

United Statessppadde8 years ago

Very rough, based on http://www.it-he.org/starless.php.

INTRO SPLIT --- -Get bedroll, bag with lockpicks -talk to iolo, loot cityhall, talk to Marsden, pay Spektor 30monet for key -free iolo, get 3 items for Crenellations northeast stairskip, get 15 items (buy breads) for Mint stairskip. -go directly to mint, build 15 bread bridge -save, climb onto roof, run southeast into spell animation, loot Mint.

GOLD BAR SPLIT --- -talk to Flindo, free Hawk, talk to Hawk, get on boat. -Talk to Flindo after landing, Get 1 blood moss, Ask for spellbook, talk to someone else, read Roto scroll. -Talk to Flindo again, sleep until banquet

MAGE BANQUET SPLIT --- -talk to Bucia about Pothos, give bloodmoss to Pothos get chairkey, LOOT NIGHTSHADE, SULFUR, BLACK PEARL, SPIDERSILK, loot football? False coin, UNLOCK MAGIC!(or scroll from seed), read Roto scroll. -go to Roto’s house, GET RITUAL BLOOD DEVICE + Tooth, kill automaton, talk to Magelord, use barge to free companion. -go to Mad Mage, create Boydon, get Jawbone, talk to Mad Mage for 2x more teeth.

JAWBONE SPLIT --- -go to monk isle get 3 buckets (right,1st top), green potion the ginger monk?, ask about salt tides, sleep til ready, get 3 roots.

  • get spellbook, get comb of beauty, lead her on take fur boots, loot football field then die, get False coin from Stefanos house -False coin 100 Monet 3x at Bucia get Guilders. Gold coins good for stairs -Buy Fetch (Melino), Telekinesis (Mort), , Restoration (Mort’s desk), Serpent Bond (Mort), Mind Blast (mort), Create Ice (Frigi’s Lab), Mass Death (Mort optional), then go to SSeed

SILVER SEED START SPLIT --- dragon riddle: 1, 4, 0, 14 Room 1: lever 2; Room 2: levers 1, 2, 5; Room 3: levers 1, 2, 3, 6 -Get keyring + Learn Vibrate + get Ring of Reagants, unlock magic scroll north of Outpost kegs, get 3+ Powderkegs from Outpost, dragon riddle, kill Liche, feed party, return to Moonshade. -Silver Seed purity test skip with pillar, GET MONITOR TOOTH AFTER -Find 6 Chill scrolls, transcribe one and various other oddments to build two stairways. One requires 15 objects, the other needs just three.

FURNACE STAIRSKIP SPLIT --- -GET MONITOR TOOTH FROM RIGHT VIA UNLOCK MAGIC(!!!) -Build stairway (false coin works) next to the brass door between the two northern buildings. -head north, follow mountains to former 3 bread staircase, make 3 bread on other side. -Train at list fields(optional) 6am-noon LUTHER -move spellbook+ring of Reag +RitualBloodLetter to ally, Serpent bond into swamp -head to Dreams of your Enemies where Batlin is, Vibrate him -put meat next to top chair, climb on banister. -Create iceblock next to each other just next to the space below banister.

  • vertical stack of one piece of deer meat -wait for ice to vanish, wiggle item on banister, fall -get serpent sword, deposit items on ally, suicide via bloodletter.

SERPENT SWORD SPLIT --- -Go get Serpent Crown + Serpent Staff -go Bull, cast Vibrate on Selina for key -climb sheep Ruins south of Bull with item ensure you can get over it, use orange teleporter -Build 15 set staircase in front of Blue teleporter

CLOTH STAIRSKIP SPLIT --- -climb stairs, follow wall until you find alchemy apparatus and bed of furs. -Fetch on key, return to cloth ladder and unlock doors, use powder keg to SW on door in companion inventory -Read Vampire scroll with Telekisis -Vibrate vampire, kill him take key for teeth and get Flux analyzer. -build stairskip (15 piece gold plates) southside of vamp jail -use jawbone to go to Northern Forest, work way into arctic and go to Trapper’s house(or die?) -save, powder keg his door 2x -Kill Hazard trapper, open chest get amulet, return to Yenani.

TRAPPER AMULET SPLIT ---- -Make 15 piece Staircase onto ice mtns outside Gwani’s -go to the right and south to the staircase at Vampire’s -take serpent gate to sunrise isle -get icons, put on altars, (map) -given book to enter temple, save book!!, read to enter temple! -get ice diamond and fire token to open doors, -push both top west buttons, telekensis southwest room, button under stair illusion on west, telekinesis middle first floor on east side, button in now open room on ground floor west side. -take key from first floor west side, use teleporter, take fire key go outside open west side door take 2 ice cubes. Take ice-key get 2 fire cubes. -dump 4 cubes on pedastel. Suicide in fire on right -return to Moonshade, go to trial room telekensis jail door, fetch key off desk.

MTNS OF FREEDOM SPLIT --- -get black rock sword, leave. Use flux analyzer on it, drop flux -warp to monitor(or fawn?) -intiate trial, (Iolo lute, chancellor, Bartender strangers + strange ring, talk to Alyssand, are you following me?, Jorivn, play for Yelinda) get key to gate. -Do trial, reprogram Oracle, leave Fawn via serpent gate.

ORACLE QUERY SPLIT --- -warp to moonshade, visit Frigidazzi at midnight, warp to monitor. -Go to South of BullCow warp, return to vampire and exit northeast into Ice, get Silverpate treasure

SILVERPATE SPLIT ---- -go to wall of lights by wrapping around clockwise to backdoor. -kill/massdeath Selina minions then Selina, transcribe scroll, meet companions -use left fountain to sleep companions, Lights cutscene, revive allies after cutscene

WALL OF LIGHTS SPLIT --- -take batlin’s Teeth and serpent, take 3-4kegs from right, exit, Head northeast to serpent gate at enthusiasm -sleep for a day for trial -Serpent Gate to Fawn, Go to Trial -give comb to Yelinda, loot for Serpent Armor

SERPENT ARMOR SPLIT –-- -return to sunrise isle(top), use book to enter temple. -STAFF CROWN ARMOR IN BACKPACK -enter last room, quickly put staff crown armor on altar, keep trying. -may black out and be weird -find two sets in bag, do third time for set + serpent eye. -head north to VERY END of game, burn to death, GET GWANI HORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! -teleport to northern forest (far right then down)

GREAT DRAGON CASTLE SPLIT --- -blow up doors to banes -kill banes w blacksword, revive them. -Head to Temple Logic (bottom right right) -Do ice maze, RED YELLOW BLUE RED WHITE teleporters -translate spell BCOW(B left, B right, T right, T left) -mass death the automata, pocket key, do left door puzzle -get water of Logic

LOGIC SPLIT ----- -Go to Ethicality (Bottom right, bottom) NEED TOOTH FROM GUSTACIOS HOUSEz -go to Moonshade (left, 1st down) -talk to Stefano (house or inn) kill death knight, get key -get blackrock serpent from Stefano old house -Complete ethicality test, “Risk Death", "Leave the Money", and "Continue" -get water of Ethics

ETHIC SPLIT ------- -Go to Discipline (top right, right) -Go down left stairs, get key from invis chest, go up right stairs get Y shapes, White left Blue Right. -go down central staircase, go north through acid STEP HEAL STEP HEAL. -get water of ethics (1)

DISCIPLINE SPLIT ----- -pour Logic on Iolo, Discipline on Dupre, Ethics on Shamino. -talk to Xenka, get tooth, follow serpents on floor get TP’d then grab scroll from creature. -Balance the golden serpent idol to left side. Proceed get scroll from Mummy, place on other pedestal. -Dispell field, collect eye of chaos, leave via gate (or die)

BLACKROCK SERPENT SPLIT ---- -return to sunrise isle (top) -go straight up, dump eyes on altar, stick blackrock in holes, stab statue with sword.

О sppadde
8 years ago
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