рекорд: ESWAT: City under Siege
Awesome run man! And great job finding the cell clip in level 2 and the deathscalator floor clip in level 5. You straight up shaved minutes off this run.
Oddlycell нравится это
рекорд: ESWAT: City under Siege
I kept getting through level 6 on the same pace and got the same crappy pattern on the boss for when his hit boxes become active so I figured out that the rng is based off what time you get to him starting from the level start. So I tried pause buffering for a second to change the rng for a better pattern. There's a pattern in his cycle thats glitched where it seems like he's not taking damage but you get him right when he jumps out for the second time. If you can figure that one out it saves between 5-10 seconds even with the pause buffer. Didn't get it here though.
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