Portugalrubinho1464 years ago

Yeah, I would share it here with no problem and could open the category.

Portugalrubinho1464 years ago

Can someone share the savegame?

Portugalrubinho1464 years ago

Would you guys love to have this challenging speedrun where you play as Mrs Crabtree? She has somewhat an hard handling and looks like a somewhat hard to some to control.

Here is my run with her:

Portugalrubinho1464 years ago

Hello, Wooden! It will look into it this weekend! Thanks!

Portugalrubinho1464 years ago

Hello! Sorry to take so long! Been working hard and my mate wasn't here as well. Shortly we will check it out!

Portugalrubinho1465 years ago

Yes beating the championship mode without losing any credits unlocks all the characters, yes! That applies to all the game versions.

Portugalrubinho1466 years ago

Just saw the answer here now, yes I will!

Portugalrubinho1466 years ago

Hello, I have a new type of rule game for South Park Rally that would be awesome to add to this speedrun!

If the moderator allows I can explain the new rule!

Portugalrubinho1466 years ago

Nice! It got fixed alright! hehe

Portugalrubinho1466 years ago

My boys, what happened to the other runs (mine included) that were on the main page of this game?

О rubinho146
8 years ago
2 years ago
Сыгранные игры
South Park Rally
South Park Rally
Последний рекорд 8 years ago
South Park Rally Category Extensions
South Park Rally Category Extensions
Последний рекорд 3 years ago
Игры, за которыми следят
South Park Rally
South Park Rally
Последнее посещение 2 years ago
South Park Rally Category Extensions
South Park Rally Category Extensions
Последнее посещение 3 years ago