The Supermoderators for https://www.speedrun.com/catcf have both not been active for 1 and 3 months respectively (i know its not long hence not asking for them to be removed or anything).
I'd like to request Supermod for the game (currently a normal moderator)
Thank you
One of the supermods for https://www.speedrun.com/catcf has been banned indefinitely, i know it wont make too much of a difference but could he be removed from the list please.
On a serious note I feel the site is a lot less customisable on your own page, that one thing I really liked regardless if other people thought if it looked good or not.
Hi, so it seems the entire boards for Charlie and the Chocolate factory are pretty dead, id like to change this as there seems to be just one category and actually no set rules for the run, i just submitted my first run to the boards and am looking forward to taking the game further and if the mods have no interest in it i would love to take the game on! A selection of runners interested have also banded together and created a discord for the game in hopes of more runners
I see absloutely nothing wrong with letting people play on emu, it doesn't hurt or effect anyone else in the slightest so let them get on with it. Let's say they for whatever reason cant get access to the game physically so this is the only option for them?
I would argue at that Orch, because I know for a fact quite a few runners struggle to hit 125 while streaming or even 90 in some cases with semi decent hardware. Cyther upgraded only just recently to good hardware after playing on 90 for a good while.
I agree with you viper to an extent, of course not everybody has the capabilities especially financially to have high end machines and be able to run at whatever FPS they want But that Is just how it is sometimes i dont think that alone should warrant a cap. If you look at console speedrunning, more often than not NTCS console loads are a lot better than PAL loads, ill give you two examples being the two main spongebob games (BFBB AND TSSM) which means the NTSC players have an advantage because the PAL players may not be able to afford an NTSC xbox, power converter etc etc. I think sometimes you can't limit everything and i can understand completely why you would want a cap but again PERSONALLY I dont think it's warranted.
I'm going to give my honest opinion on the matter, I dont think their should be an FPS cap at all. In the simpsons hit and run we allow for any FPS the player feels comfortable playing at and believe me this makes a serious difference in gameplay in terms of how cars and movement work. So the runners who do have the high end Pc's and what not, will run at 144fps and get a slight advantage but so be it, some people also choose not to do this because it's their preference but they miss out on the advantage. This isnt a post taking anyone's side just something to consider.
My bad, you can join the discord from the tab on the left hand side of this page, on the list of pages.
We now have a Discord for Garfield Speedrunning, please come and join the discussion! https://discord.gg/7FYfFe
I have just started learning Shrek Super Slam and noticed the mod has been inactive for 3 months. I would happily take it on and look after the boards
EDIT now finished my first run and there is no one to verify it. there seems to be no active runners of this game apart from myself. There is also no social media on the mods profile to contact them Via
i'm fairly sure you can skip missions in ASM as long as you go back and complete them like in 100% but what would be the point it would just be slow.
Lots of local game stores have this game too keep an eye out.
i'd just like to know why he wasn't banned the first time he cheated or even the second time? once a cheat always a cheat?
Make sure your standing a good distance away from the party when shooting your homie otherwise you will fail the mission.
Check your local game shops too, i found mine in my local shop for £8 much cheaper than online
This comment has been redacted by the moderator team because it contained offensive slurs.