Naming it 'Glitchless' makes perfect sense. Standardizing timing makes sense. Emulator runs (and all runs) should include the reset of the previous run to help prove legitimacy - I thought this was always the rule, honestly, though I'm clearly mistaken.
Thank you, Deer, for the time, patience, effort, and kindness you show in this community.
Out of curiosity, what are the different games you've been running?
That would be really fun. I believe it. Trying to figure out my streaming setup/situation/internet, ya know!?
Do you have systems you prefer to play? Types of games you like? Any games you feel you know really well?
Let's definitely do ms, ya'll. I'll add them when I'm not on mobile.
ps, this fever chase for the record is hilarious and awesome. Love that I'm a part of this.
There is no longer a moderator for this GB game - I can take over modding this game, as I am practicing runs of this game currently. THanks!
I'd love to run this game, but I own the Mac version. Let me know if you'd accept that version, too! :)
So. I've routed the 100% path. You can find that here, if you're interested:
I'll be running this throughout this week on Twitch. To further clarify the rules, it would be:
All summons (which is what I called 'allies', but the manual says 'summons') must be acquired, treasure chests opened, and side quests completed.
What are the other difficulties, @floppyfish420? I lost my ROM. Let me know and I'll add them!
Word. I'll figure out what the other difficulties are, and make those leaderboards!
Yo, @floppyfish420, excellent job on the run, dude! You killed it.
Want to have more difficulties opened up to create some more runs in this (hilariously bad) game!?
Hello! I'm currently running Dragon Warrior on GBC, and once I meet my goal on that game will be doing Dragon Warrior II for GBC.
Is this where that would be submitted? Should the Dragon Warrior GBC board be edited to support I and II as it is a compilation? Is there any reason why people haven't run the second DW on GBC?
A 4:15:00 run for an RPG on the Game Boy called 'Knight Quest'. ...but I have my eyes on a few Dragon Quest games that could go into the 8-9 hour mark. Yay!
Got a new any% PB, which is awesome, and definitely inspired me to push the 100% record down as well as route that low%. Gonna work on that and Dragon Warrior GBC over the next week or so. Yay!