Scotlandollymuirs_7 months ago

I'm sure you are, but make sure you at least get a screenshot next time. :)

Scotlandollymuirs_1 year ago

Thats fine, just remember though, videos are required for 2:10 cycle runs or better.

Scotlandollymuirs_1 year ago

It says "unofficial" so probably not.

dgamefather нравится это
Scotlandollymuirs_2 years ago

I didn't know there was version that said Refresh or Panic.

Scotlandollymuirs_2 years ago

Do I need to use an external timer for runs in infiltrator mode or can I just use the ingame time? It shows you your time at the end of the run.

Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

Hey all, yesterday the game rules were updated to now include:

"As of April 6th 2021, all runs with video proof require audible audio."

This was always a bit of a given before but we had just never written it down. From now on guys, please include in-game audio in your run.

Thanks :)

MaximalMegaminx нравится это
Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

Ahh okay, I didn't actually know that the timing started once combat did. Thanks for the clarification :)

Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

Hi guys,

Been thinking about running the individual levels in this game for some time now.

Would my run(s) be accepted if I were to use the time you get after completing the level? There really doesnt seem to be any difference between this and real time via something like livesplit.

Cheers :)

Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Most of the stuff in that "guide" is either outdated or completely wrong. I've deleted the entry about the FPT and Stage 21 being "literal hell"

Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

With support for Adobe Flash Player ending on 31/12/2020, you might be wondering what's going to happen with speedrunning not only This Is The Only Level, but also other flash games. The answer? nothing really, all thanks to Flashpoint, it is a web games preservation project with a large built in archive of all your favorite flash games. You can download it from the link below:

0_ILS и MaximalMegaminx нравится это
Scotlandollymuirs_3 years ago

Franklin%, so just prologue? you could just play the prologue mission in that case.

Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Some of the responses might seem a bit dickish, but i swear I see someone ask this every few weeks.

Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

^this response 🤣🤣

Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

You must be the 293rd goober thats brought up Michael%. Its pointless as a category. Seriously either run the whole game or find another game to run. Or just run Trevor%, that lasts just under an hour at the top level.

тема: Postal 2
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Recently the leaderboard had a bit of an overhaul and in this post I wanna highlight those changes and also just let you know what's happening going forward.

We now have loadless on the leaderboard!

We decided to drop IGT entirely due to it's inaccuracy and instead we now have "time with loads" and "time without loads".

By default your time should be entered into with loads however if you want to input your loadless time, then you'll need to use Intercom's autosplitter/load removal tool, PostalLoads, which can be found in Resources.

All runs on the leaderboard (including obsolete ones) have been updated to show their time in the with loads field.

I would strongly suggest that anyone who submits a run, uses PostalLoads to get their loadless time, if you can spare 5 mins to setup livesplit, then you can spare 2 more to add the autosplitter.

The other major change, is we have gated off QSQL. There is now a variable on the leaderboard that says "Restricted/Unrestricted"

Restricted bans the use of QSQL. Unrestricted allows the use of QSQL.

This was done since QSQL kinda sucks and it eventually turns the game into a giant luckfest, so having a seperate leaderboard where you can just run the game without having to worry about it, is kind of a breath of fresh air.

Obviously these are big changes and we are still ironing a few things out however it looks promising, any feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

literpuck нравится это
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Hey folks :)

It's that time again, me and Lucky Hamburger have decided to start another bounty for the first person who can beat or tie the existing WR.

The rules are simple:

Achieve a time of 2:24:675 or better on the Any% P+Gless category. A video of the feat (with audable audio) is required and preferably all attempts should be streamed. (Reply to this thread with your stream name if you can)

Deadline for completion is 7/1/2021 (7th January 2021, 6 months from now)

I will be putting forward £30 myself and Lucky has said he will put in $20.

Additionally, if you are a runner and you would like to give towards the bounty, let either myself or Lucky know.

If you are considering going for this, please join the TITOL speedrunning discord server if you haven't already for communication purposes.

Good luck and happy running!

Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

troll account lol, only made an hour ago.

Vanillayz, Colty и 4 другие нравится это
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Hey all,

For those who maybe aren't in the discord and didn't see the announcement, I made a follow up of sort to that "history of titol" video I made back in March of 2018. It wasn't a video though, I live streamed it over on my youtube channel, feel free to give it a watch here :)

тема: GunBlood
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Yeah seen a few times on this is the only level.

тема: GunBlood
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Just started running this game, could help but notice some of the times are inputted incorrectly:

Basically any time where the milliseconds start with a zero is entered wrong.

For example, 0:51:018 should be 0:51:180 since the 18 on the timer is 180.

merpell и RaggedDan нравится это
О ollymuirs_
7 years ago
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