I tested it a few times now and I can't get the Bossfight skip... I managed to skip the cutscene before the fight nearly everytime, but for some reason even if i mimic the strats which others on the leaderboard did. I can't damage Anakin after that.
WiiSuper нравится это
Clip: https://gyazo.com/9428aa08721f18affdaedd60c43efe4c I saw a similar strat to this in the tas made SkicoNow (just without crouching up the ledge) Since I'm too bad to perform that triple jump needed to get up, I thought i might post this here so any runner could take the wr, since this rips off nearly 12-13Minutes i guess.
So I made some Save States to practice Airwalks. And certain Areas in the game.
redz0ro нравится это
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