United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

I think I might have heard something about the shell being 10% slower on AGDQ, am I right or wrong about this statement?

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

So, I recently installed RetroPie onto my raspberry pi, and am having trouble playing all stars. I can select a game, but can’t play. None of the keys work. Anybody know how to fix it? Also, SMW works perfectly fine (not the all stars version)

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Hi, I've never posted here, so please correct me if I'm wrong at any point. I am thinking that if you started the game at the exact frame, then you can just memorize the perfect pattern for the entire game, and do it. I believe this because I have made TASs of this game, and in order for the TAS to play out correctly, the movements would have to be perfectly synced to the frame.

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Unlike the normal clip, this one takes place in the first room. Similar to 1-2 in smb1, clip into the 2 block high pipe at the end of the level. Saves you from having to preform the walljump.

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

I really wanted to play this game, but I guess I can't... why isn't emu allowed

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

I was casually screwing around with a HEX editor, and discoverer that if you change any block to an unknown value, the sprite stays the same, but the block functions as a vine block, allowing you to zip right through block from the left. Examples of an unknown value would be 34, 99, and o. Thought this was a pretty fun thing, so I am here sharing it. Have a nice day! :)

Mars02 нравится это
United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Ok, I always see people wondering how to do this, and I thought that I might as well fully explain completely in-depth how to walk thru walls in SMB1.

  1. 3 block high platforms Walking thru platforms 3 blocks tall or higher, is extremely easy. This method is possible with power-up states 1, 2, and 3, and can be done holding B, or not holding B. Simply jump into the top-right block, and start holding left once you are about half-way thru the block. Then you can start running.

  2. 2 block high platforms This one is much harder. It can be done in power-up states 1, 2, and 3. See the end of 1-2 in the 2 latest WR speedruns, by Kosmicd12 and Somewes for an example. (1-2G). This can not only be preformed in 1-2, but in any level with a pipe or platform that is 2 blocks high. (Not counting the ground after a hole, that just wont work unless in power-up states 2 or 3 after stomping an enemy that isn't a goomba, so I will not explain that in-depth). Before jumping into the pipe, make sure these two variables are true: you are NOT pressing B (Easy ways to de-accelerate are to press R + L, just waiting a few seconds, or jumping, and letting go of B midair), one block away from the pipe (16 pixels), and only jump for a frame. Then, similar to the first one, push left half-way into the block, and start running. (I will finish this later cuz i'm lazy)

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Hello, I just started playing MKDS a few weeks ago. I have 2 questions to ask. The first one is, to find the total time of a run (mushroom cup for example) do you include the transition s, or do you just add all of the times at the end of the victory together, I added the times without transitions, and got a 7:21.984 for my first ever speedrun... Also, I am using a 520 in 1 Nintendo DS Flashcard that comes with MKDS, and wanted to see if anybody knew if the version it comes with is in someway different... I am playing on an original 3DS XL btw... Anyways, hope I can get good at this game, wish me luck! Thanks, iplaymario124

United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Just wanted to quickly get this out; I was playing on Pellson's romhack in 1-2 with a megamush and at the very first jump (Under the 5 ? blocks and two goombas) I jumped, hit one goomba, and instantly died. I don't know why, because I had a megamush, it might just be the hacks glitch.

Megamush и Like нравится это
United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

So I was playing SMB1 and I noticed this weird frame that looks like it was ACEd. Here is the image: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Vx7BqG0oHp2U1_qhaR4xwshO13cc5OXq9v6lfYl8h4/edit?usp=sharing (Couldn't get the image on here)

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

So I was TASing, and as always, found a new piece of "art". This one is a different way to preform the 1-2G. I don't think it is humanly possible, but would love to see somebody try it out. Basically, you have to jump for one frame very late on the top of the last platform, and than you will land in the perfect position to preform the pipe clip. I believe there are variants where you can jump earlier, and for more frames, making this a humanly possible trick, but I am yet to try this out. This version enters -1 the same frame as the RTA method. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/utynbs4n8pbgo8f/Altered_1-2_Clip.fm2/file (Use practice ROM)

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

In PAL, I have clipped into a surface below me, (usually in 1-2) but don't really know how to purposely do this glitch in any level. I believe that you have to be on a platform first. If anybody knows exactly how to do this glitch anywhere, PLEASE respond, because this glitch is awesome.

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

So I use SNESGT to play all stars, but I kepp pressing Left + Right by accident, and wanted to disable it. I've tried using a different emulator, but this is the only one that doesn't have an issue with the exe.

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Couldn't you theoretically do a FPG in 8-3 while still doing the TAS fast accel (Yes I know it is only possible in TAS) and save another framerule to get 4:53? Just wondering.

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

This is more of a "Swag" 1-3 FPG, as I do not believe this is even anywhere near possible in RTA. At the start of the level: Fast Accel Throughout the whole level you cannot slow down. This means when you go on the horizontally moving platforms, you can only jump the frame before Mario even touches the platform. At the end, jump off of the 1st pixel of the final block of the stairway. Jump for 4 frames, while not holding ANY button other than A. One frame after the final a press, tap left, but only for ONE frame. Finally, do the normal setup for the flapgpole grip, which are: 1: L 2: L 3: L 4: L + A Congrats, you just did one of the hardest FPGs to do in RTA (Jokes LOL) Video with everything in case I explained wrong: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IswGWEgiajFuZa1MRyNY7CRyeUXGPDT8/view?usp=sharing P.S. Don't even ask how I found this out -

Like, Gaster319, и Lul_ecks_dee нравится это
United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

I am fully aware that savestates on the title screen are forbidden, but are they allowed if I set one to frame 0 so that RNG isn't manipulated?

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United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

So, ironically enough, I was actually trying to do this, and I think it happened. So, doing a fast accel on the warp zone room in 4-2 results in a framerule being saved. At least, with the method of wall clipping I did in the run. I'm not entirely sure in this could help to get 4:54 or not. Here is the lnk to te video comparing the normal strat and the fast accel: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v48Cw9hAlHugHk-Tmnpos9yq2mYgcRWU/view?usp=sharing Also, I am completely aware of the terrible quality. Edit: Since nobody is reading this, I just want to say that the FAST ACCEL is the only hing I am focusing on. I am aware that I use an older method of wallclipping. I believe this saves the framerule with the normal method.

Like, FaZeEnderCreeper, и 84th нравится это
United Statesiplaymario1246 years ago

Legend says this has already been answered before, but here we go.

Since the rules states that you can to beat the game in any way, couldn't you technically just do the minus world ending because it still counts as beating the game?

I'm guessing it is NOT allowed because there is already a separate category for minus world ending.

I don't know if that's the reason, but I think it should be allowed because it still counts as beating the game.


84th и Mars02 нравится это
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