nice time. this takes me forever. how is this low time even possible? i need to watch this
yeah, feel free to use the powerups if you want. i don't recall if anyone else has done so in their run.
hi, i was wondering if a discord channel will be made to discuss everything about the game. i imagine there is a few people besides me learning it now.
well, if the item is picked up no matter what it is(even 1ups), it would void the run because the firewheel would harm some enemy thats nearby. either birds in stage 4 or nearby enemy in stage 2. mainly going by what i've seen in low%/pacifist runs via the three nes games. based on what i've seen so far, low% is defintely possible without picking up items(just has to be careful). pacifist for this game would be interesting, especially because of lack of iframes. i'm still up for discussing this with as many runners as possible, even those that don't play this game to have more of a general ruleset just in case the ones listed aren't as concrete as they could be.
rules have been updated as best as i could find based on the nes runs, its possible that based on current vids(newer vids may be required if health, force picked/up used). timer is required from now on as well.
reaching the peak(alternate partial block spike puzzle) . i don't understand how to roll jump under the spiked plattform in the upper right. found this odd occurance(prob won't help much though) the plattform can somehow lift both blocks
@Timmiluvs: ok thank you. one question though, what if the game was vastly different from one plattform to another. both versions of the game play quite differently.
i'm hoping i'm in the right place. has a nes leaderboard, i would like to have a gameboy leaderboard added to hopefully attract more runners. i have a run of it from a few months back.
this should be quite a fun game to run. looking forward to it. i wonder if there will be a good enough run by the time submissions happen though....depending how long just any% bad ending will take.
hello, i would like to be a super mod for the following channels. Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen and chip n dale: rescue rangers 2 due to the super mods not being active or on hiatus from speedrunning for a while. I also run both of the games.