тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

He came looking for one

j00lsn нравится это
тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Well we do not care about you, so stop. You have shown that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, all the framerate related stuff is there to make people with bad computers compete. You are so far up your own ass, coming here with ZERO information about anything, trying to act like you know.

Go away, now

j00lsn нравится это
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

There were alot of good games that didn't make the cut last year, seeing some of them this year would be nice. Also seeing new games from 2016 could be pretty neat. That said, the game selection last year was pretty stellar. Highlight of the marathon was still "Arabian Nights" for me, really glad we got to see insane games like that. Although them being small communities or obscure games. Last year was really good though, so there was alot of games i really enjoyed watching in the audience. If i were to wish for anything personally it would be KungKobra doing New Vegas, if he submits it. If anyone submits Doom that would be pretty sick aswell.

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

you can even lose more time in Skyrim because of AI bugging out, in a shorter intro, you can even softlock 👌

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

I love how you are literally also talking shit about all the other speedgames that do this Ewil, if you are such a big boy, how about you go over to the Dishonored forums and write about it there. How about Mirrors Edge? Hell, go get lauched at by the Elder Scrolls runners aswell. Oh, what's that? You won't? Abit more scary when its a bigger community isn't it, i have been overly nice to you and your literal lack of reflection. I am done with discussing this with you. How about you do something productive like doing your segmented runs well so that you are not 30 seconds behind WR in a 5 minute game. You are NOT a part of this community, stop acting like it.

For the last time Sincerely Havrd

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

i could sit down and find several, but Mirrors Edge comes to mind immediately.

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Would you say the same thing about Skyrim Ewil? It really is a shame we did not do this earlier, this misunderstanding about it as a "change" wouldn't even be a thing then.

"From what I have seen, you have to do some precise button mashing and it's not like everyone is getting consistently same times. " There is no precise, its regular pressing a button when you see the npcs start talking (this is impossible to mess up on and everyone does it as fast as everyone else). You mash conversation with the salesman, this is also consistantly as fast as everyone else. The rest is literally watching cutscenes.

The reason some times are different are the fact that the newer runs are on french which saves time in the intro and the entire game.

Calling this "simply wrong" is kind of ironic when you do not know or understand why we are doing it, and as you can see. This has been a long process, although it really should have been done a loooooong time ago, just like they did for Skyrim. There are certainly alot of other games with the same rules, only that they had the rule in place from the begining.

I do appreciate that you would take your time to lay out your opinion on the matter though.

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

I agree with Manbun and J00lsn at the same time. That is why the poll has been out for two months and why i made this forum post. If those runners care, they have their say like everyone else. They are also all members of the Discord Server where the voting took place. (actually BT might have left, because he is done with the game) They have had more than enough time. I have tried to make this as fair and smooth as possible, although it really is ashame this was not done sooner. But i hope it is absolutely clear that this is something everyone agrees with, which would obviously cause little to no complications or drama.

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

@ManBun See, i do agree with you about the grindy bit, but those runs have out-dated language packs. Those runs were done on English, while French is significantly faster. So they are actually not losing anything at all. Their Intro times have been obsolete for a while. @Jinjenia knows exactly how much time French saves.

тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

This game has been out for a year and unlike the other Bethesda games that came before it, we have been playing through the intro, an intro with little to no tech or skill required to do faster than anyone else.

Much like Skyrim, there are arguments to be made about you doing inputs to create your character and such, still the time investment to watch the intro cutscene is not required to do a any% run of the game.

Fallout 4 admittedly is abit more expansive in this aspect, but the idea still counts. This is something we should have done a year ago (when it wouldn't have been such a pain to implement).

As a community we did a poll a few months back, wherein we overwhelmingly decided that it is ok to start your runs when you get full player control. This being after the freezer cutscene. (This poll was conducted on the Fallout Discord server which is linked in the "Resources" tab on

Now comes the problem about how to time this into runs. One solution would be to remove the intro from everyones times on the leaderboard, i don't have a problem watching everyones runs and doing so by hand.

There are other solutions that would be more messy. Like starting from a set time, adding time after completed runs.

Like i said, the poll was conducted more than two months ago and has been available to vote on for that length of time. So as a community we have officially agreed that this is ok. I have therefore added a standardized autosave for the start of the run, you can find this in the "resources" tab. You may make your own autosave to start the run from, how to do so is explained there.

I simply want input now on how to fix everyones times.


Norwayhavrd7 years ago
  • Game Selection As long as there are memes 👌

  • Layouts Less is more

  • Streaming Beam was better than twitch or hitbox would have been.

  • Moving forward 2 a year, could have staple runs for each of them. IE runs that most people enjoy and would like to catch up on once every year.

I have one idea for the channel that could be pretty cool and inclusive. We could post a shooter game every month or so, and as many people that want to can blind race them. This might work especially well for new B-title shooter games that get released on GoG or Steam on the cheap.

тема: Dishonored 2
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Oh, i thought you actually just wanted to talk about discord. link incoming,

Daravae нравится это
тема: Dishonored 2
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Yeah, i am a big fan of the discord myself.

Daravae нравится это
тема: Fallout 4
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Something to note, some doors (none of the ones in the route) but in the game in general have different opening and closing animations dependsing on what direction you enter the door. But again, not relevant in the current route. Just a fun fact.

тема: Mr.President!
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

097Aceofspades, Added Wrestling% and your run. Not sure if we want to keep it as a misc category or not, tell me what you think!

тема: Mr.President!
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

No problem Gamebuber23, we all get excited from time to time.

We can talk about when to start and stop the time how much you want, we will figure out the best solution in the end<3

This is not the most serious speedgame in the world, so im not sure if a loadremover is necessary, i do know alot of people that can make then. And i have done so with limited success in the past myself. But again, we don't need it ¤yet¤

тема: Mr.President!
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

Oh wait WHAT, there is Wrestling in the game!? I was totally oblivious to this, it must have been added in the most recent patch, i have been playing on 1.0. Ill scrath the thing about wrestling in the original post. If you give me the rules you want for the category Ace, i will gladly add the category!

Gamecuber нравится это
тема: Mr.President!
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

W̶r̶e̶s̶t̶l̶i̶n̶g̶:̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶u̶m̶p̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶R̶u̶m̶p̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶e̶v̶e̶l̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶e̶r̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶p̶l̶i̶t̶,̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶u̶i̶t̶i̶v̶e̶(̶e̶a̶s̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶d̶i̶c̶t̶)̶ ̶m̶o̶m̶e̶n̶t̶.̶ ̶i̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶t̶(̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶p̶u̶t̶)̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶t̶(̶0̶.̶4̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶t̶e̶r̶)̶.̶

Starting time: I would have been fine with the level select thing if not for the fact that there is movement and mouse contol that has skill (EXTREMELY LIMITED SKILL) but skill nontheless. Im not going to force my will on this however, i just wrote the rules to have rules in place before talking to anyone.

edit: fixed my wrestling mistake

тема: The Site
Norwayhavrd7 years ago

@097Aceofspades the game got added 1 hour before you wrote that comment, i was asleep at the time. The leaderboard is now fully operational.

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