Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r1 year ago

wow!!! world recorded!!

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r1 year ago

the fact that were close to sub 1 humanly now....

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r1 year ago

no. you will grind until 11pm on dec 31st 2022 but you wont get it until 12:00

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

wtf i always use the right yours and youres whyy

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

never. you will never get a sub 50 anvil pace ever again and soon i will beat you and in 5 years you will become that boomer with a short lifespan who only played the game for a year. the several sub 1 people including me will laugh at you endlessly.

DaDerpyPickle нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

if your literally just taking out like the hammer hit sounds n stuff then yeah that should be verified

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

Listen, the mod team and I are extremely knowledgeable in this game, and what runs should and shouldn't look like. You do not get to anvil on sub 1:15 pace with a 1:26 pb. That is beyond incomprehensible, to the point, where it is unfathomably obvious, that a 1:26 runner did not do this run.

RaghavBabbar нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

how did this get rejected. its pretty obvious that its real and unedited. makes no sense.

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

I got suspended for lying about having a 1 38 BUT I didn't I mean I said it as a joke on DISCORD but I didn't submit any fake runs I got 3rd in the world for space% now I can't even submit it (yeah it's possible on Android) and my 3m50s434ms run also got rejected... Can I apeal my suspension

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago


ap0llo, fector и 9 другие нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

ur cringe for not uploading 1:14

Davoroxi нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

we need a 1 hour plus run now

EXPL, ZeSniperDood, и Gaming_64 нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

bros at 1:24 but doesnt put hammer up in space

azrel25 нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

bruh theres no 1:14 on the leaderboards anymore bc of this gg anyways

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

i mean if its allowed on pc shouldnt it be allowed on mobile as well lol

Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

i have faith in levi to beat the world record

RaghavBabbar и Davoroxi нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago


Aka_Me нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

i feel my mental health deteriorating i feel my arm deteriorating binit

thebentreeboy11 нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

you should probably just change the name to the normal "Assembly-CSharp.dll" so that when you drop it in it will give you the replace file option

DYCREEPER нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAgois3r2 years ago

if you arent on 1.5861 it wont work but if you are then the first question would be if you pirated the game because thats probably why it doesnt work. if you didnt pirate the game then when you dropped it into the managed file did it say replace existing file and you clicked yes because if it just dropped in without saying to replace the original file thats probably why

DYCREEPER нравится это
О gois3r
4 years ago
16 days ago
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