United Statesfireculex2 years ago

I made it after the third patch and using it today. The last update was released 6 days ago on the 8th. If you go to edit layout it will show whats enabled or not.

edit: looks like the autostart and autosplit isn't working on my laptop. The load removal, pause, and cinematic/cut-scene removal still work.

edit: it was the mission pointer, fixed. let me know if it works. Thanks!

United Statesfireculex2 years ago

Wrote a Autosplitter for me personally if anyone else wants to use it. The following features can be enabled/disabled

Following features can be enabled/disabled: • Autostart - after the first "cut-scene" when you gain control of you char • Autosplit - According to when map changes in memory • Loading Removal - Loading Screens • Cinematic Removal - Several "cut-scenes" where you lose control of your character and are usually skippable anyway, before water landing intro, assault, held by kyong, nanosuit cradle, etc. • Pause Removal - Press ESC

Everything except autosplit is disabled by default.

Maximum.Amir нравится это
тема: Crysis 3
United Statesfireculex2 years ago

You right github defaulted to private. Fixed. Other splitter's I've written work the same way, I'm not saying they necessarily become official. Everything except autosplitting is off by default.

тема: Crysis 3
United Statesfireculex2 years ago

I created an autosplitter for livesplit. Motivation was to be able to watch loading and "cut-scenes" without counting against game time.

Following features can be enabled/disabled: • Autostart • Autosplit - According to when map changes in memory • Loading Removal - Loading Screens • Cinematic Removal - Several "cut-scenes" where you lose control of your character and are usually skippable anyway • Pause Removal - Press ESC

Tested only with Steam.

Maximum.Amir нравится это
тема: Satisfactory
United Statesfireculex5 years ago

People already speedrunning this game eh? I had the same idea. Working to see if I can make an autosplitter based on Tiers and Hub upgrades.

janli нравится это
тема: F.E.A.R.
United Statesfireculex5 years ago

Id like to announce my 2nd LiveSplit Splitter I've made available here:

I decided to make this as I'm learning to make splitters and I love speedrunning this game. It took about a half a day.

SuicideMachine probably will conflict ie. multiple splits but I made mine configurable and you can enable/disable each feature individually.

This one has the following features. -AutoStart. As soon as the game map shows up in memory the timer will autostart.

  • Load Removal. SuicideMachine's load remover stops when the press any key displays while still on the loading screen. Mine will pause the timer until you actually leave the loading screen.

AutoSplit works the same way, when the map name changes in memory. I didnt dig to deeply into SuicideMachine's code but it gave me the idea to search for Map names in memory and split when they change.

Cinematic Remover. Any time you can skip a cinematic, the timer will automatically pause. disabled by default. I personally love watching the cinematics, especially the intro when getting hyped up for a speedrun. Took many hours back and forth but I managed to find a pointer of a pointer of a pointer of a pointer of a pointer that returns a single byte when cinematics can be skipped. Joy!

Pause Remover. Last but not least, this was an accident, I wanted to pause the timer when the game forces you to press something like right before you get out of the car it has that situation report. It turns out this memory pointer is exactly the same as pressing ESC and pausing the game. Nice! disabled by default.

Yuma нравится это
United Statesfireculex5 years ago It splits on Loading Screen, not Mission. Best to use hidden Subsplits for loading screens and leave Splits as Missions. Currently manual start and end.

JulianAlien и darkstar12 нравится это
тема: F.E.A.R.
United Statesfireculex5 years ago

Had some ideas for a new category which I call Genuine that kind of builds upon Glitchless.

Version: Fear 1.08 - Retail

Rules • SuicideMachine's Autoloader required • No OOB or Glitches • No skipping cinematics • No flashlight or any other kind of mods, 1920 subtitles allowed • Quicksaves and Quickloads allowed

Required Settings: • 1920x1080x32 resolution • Default Gamma only • Computer Maximum • Graphics Maximum • "FovYWidescreen" "59.00" in autoexec.cfg • Textures set to Medium if Maximum gives loading glitches

тема: The Site
United Statesfireculex5 years ago

Would be nice to delete a pending speedrun if you realized you made a mistake.

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