Hi all! I know a lot of newcomers to Studio Ghibli will be watching some of the movies for the first time on Netflix and HBO so I have started doing spoiler free movie reviews on Youtube for them. I will hopefully review all 23 films over the next two weeks, hopefully this is something you might enjoy?
Please feel free to talk about your favourite Studio Ghibli movies here but try to keep it spoiler free for new fans to try to decide which movies to watch first thanks
Hi all,
I know cestpatou is maintaining the individual levels leaderboard.
I felt like there may be a place for people who want to put together full segmented speedruns, so... here is a space where you can share yours and we can discuss areas for further optomisation, competition etc.
Hi all,
So I've been thinking about making a weighted leaderboard to try and encourage people to run more categories.
The SOR1 Blaze categories are finally getting some love, but there are like 85 main categories.
So my thought was a weighted leaderboard, where the top five runs on each category get a certain amount of points, giving you a total "high score". I'd be doing this for fun, much like cestpatou's IL leaderboard, and isn't to be taken super seriously. Just something I want to do off my own back.
Where I'm looking for input though is the weights of the scores.
So far I have thought:
Easy = 1x, Normal = 2x, Hard = 3x, Hardest = 6x, Mania = 7x 5th place = 1x, 4th = 2x, 3rd = 3x, 2nd = 6x, 1st = 7x
And then a tier list of characters is needed in terms of difficulty.
S = 1x, A = 2x, B = 3x, C = 4x, D = 5x
It's the character ranking I really need input on.
Shiva is obviously an S rank, SOR1 Adam is obviously a D rank, but what about the others? Is five rankings enough? Is SOR1 Adam 5x harder than Shiva or more or less?
As you can see, it is just in the draft stage right now and open to discussion. But using this first draft for instance:
BillDupond's 1st place SOR1 Adam Hard would be worth 105 points 3lo's 1st place Shiva Mania would be worth 49 points IDemiiK's 1st place SOR1 Adam Easy would be worth 35 points and so on
I don't instinctively think a SOR1 Adam Hard is necessarily twice as worthy as a Shiva Mania, despite Adam being much harder to play with, so I'm also thinking of adding a multiplier bonus for runs that are under an hour, maybe x1.5.
If more people ran SOR1 Adam Hard then it would get under an hour, but as it is BillDupond has an easy 105 points by virtue of being the only run on the board, which I guess is kind of what I want to get out of this project - more people running more categories.
It's all really first draft stuff at the moment, but it's an idea I want to develop regardless if anyone else is even interested, so happy to hear some feedback and especially character tier lists.
Hi all,
Managed to capture me softlocking the game with Adam. Have done this before with Cherry too.
Tried with Shiva as I figured the dash was a part of it but didn't seem to work.
Anybody else experienced this? Anyone with more knowledge than me lol
Something weird happened during a SOR1 Blaze game I was playing, Normal Arcade
Used my star just as I landed on fire, it took the star, played the audio, but did nothing gameplay wise
Strange huh?
I suck at speedrunning
I suck at making videos
I suck at telling jokes
So, why not combine all three lol?
I loved this game when I played it like 18 months ago
Decided to buy it again today and will be looking into speedrunning it - is there any tips for a brand new newbie you wish someone had told you before you loaded up the game?
EDIT: PS4 for clarity
Hi all,
So short bio to get to know me :)
I have been an avid speedrunner since before I knew what speedrunning was. From my early childhood playing SNES games quicker than my friends, trying to find exploits and bugs while they were happy just getting to the next level, I've just always played games that way.
When I discovered GDQ around 6 years ago I have scoured Youtube to find as many speedrunning events as possible, dreamed about what games I could feasibly attempt and get decent times in, but knew I would become obsessed so never picked anything up - I don't have 300,000 hours to beat SMB by one frame, for instance, but I always thought about picking up some more obscure titles I enjoy like Freestyle Scooter, Kirby's Fun*Pak, Alundra, etc. But then figuring out the equipment to capture older technology, I never made that jump either.
Enter SOR4.
Retro style game. That I fell in love with. I have no job for a few months so have time to practice. And I can easily stream my PS4 to Twitch and submit runs. Happy days.
So here I am, a guy who can't get under an hour on Easy and can't complete a run on Hardest mode LOL but I have some runs on the leaderboard, made affiliate on Twitch, got about a dozen regular viewers on my Youtube and most importantly, I'm having a lot of fun with it :D
So...... hey, I guess! Speedrunning is fun and I'm glad I'm finally getting involved after all these years.
So Adam has his dash and Cherry has her run.
But what is the best movement for each of the other characters?
Has anyone actually worked out the pixels per second for say SOR1 Axel walking vs jumping vs jump-kicking etc?
I was starting to work it out but wasn't sure I was doing it correctly, plus I see some movements might get patched soon.
So general discussion - what would you say is the best way to move for each of the characters?
Just be aware on Stage 5, before the Barbon fight, one of the Galsia's can pretty easily pick up the taser and activate the arcade cabinet for you:
This then takes you into the retro fight whether you want to or not. Since noticing this, I try to make sure I take out the cabinet in my routing before he gets a chance to.
I've noticed in a few runs that people use the Star moves outwith the end of Stage bosses.
Particularly I've seen people use theirs against Koobo on Stage 1.
I personally use a Star on Old Pier at the part with 2 taser Cops + 2 shield Cops. Examples:
Where else have you either used your Stars or seen others use them, and do you think these strategies save more time over keeping them for the bosses?