my discord could be bugged put yours in the chat or message me it
hasnt come through on my end you sure you put it in correctly Nitrox#0036
Let me know whenever you want to go over things im free for a while, summer break freedom , your welcome for the forced risk return ;).
i will happily help you out my friend sorry was caring for my kitten, if you have discord my discord is Nitrox#0036 might be easier to reach me on there aswell as i have that on my phone so when im on the go i can see messages. and id be mod but i would need help with the retiming.
Coincidentally came across this a minute after you posted it lol, i appreciate the help, the one vs all (player with the all) i can do that with good rng its the all vs one (bot with the all) that ruins me, i came across a video from a year ago but it seems that the ai has been changed as quite a few comments say so and i couldnt replicate the bots movements on my own. If there is anyway you could start with looking at the all vs one map id love any help (i just do your WR route to start off with but when i get to a certain point the bot just does its own thing which makes it very hard to replicate hence why i would love help with a more concrete route)
The tutorial 1 checks would be good too and if any tricks are gone then retiming would be a pain for u (sorry) would love to see you do some runs soon can see if you adopt better strats then i know. Anyways thanks a bunch for the help right now and for the help in the future.
I'd majorly appreciate it if you could trial it all again, I understand time consuming and probably not your top priority. I also dont know all the tricks for the game i just know there is major time save everywhere if you learnt everything like you did in the past. If there are videos or posts about how to do certain tricks and speedups i'd definitely love to see them as well as information about how the ai works (i feel like you can trick the bot into doing certain moves) otherwise thanks for now.
Finally, i think im the only one actually going for records right now, and my scenarios + classic WR is what I'm trying to beat right now, if you have tips for the one vs all and all vs one levels scenarios specifically, Id love insight into them as they kill my runs + can make the WR definitely sub 20 minutes.
I understand if you don't wanna help as you do hold like a whole bunch of the world records id be beating lol.
Thanks anyway for responding hopefully you respond again.
Fioresa your tutorial 1 record isn't possible to achieve on the newest patch anymore as you skipped the start of the tutorial by opening up the settings menu using a keyboard shortcut (i think the space key might be something different with the settings menu) as well as you not getting slowed by the tip from completing a continent (this might just be a me issue but I cant seem to get the guy stop telling me in tut 1) it may be possible to sub 50 still but i dont think you can reach 41 seconds anymore. I tried to go to an earlier patch but did not work forced me to update to latest. Also, the world war 1 and central powers scenarios have been removed which makes them unbeatable too, it also changes the wr i set in all scenarios + classic. Id love to hear im all wrong about everything and im being silly and everythings in order but im pretty sure im right.