United StatesTooad3 years ago
HcGxGrill нравится это
United StatesTooad3 years ago

Is there a discord for speedrunning this game?

United StatesTooad3 years ago

Yeah typically more specific runs like this are only added to the extension boards if a lot of people want it (like 3 different people do runs or so), but, like Chimkin said, this would probably be better suited as a challenge run unless significant interest picks up. Good idea though!

chimkin нравится это
United StatesTooad4 years ago

Some that come to mind are a cutscene skip in Draught of Death, and jumps that save multiple minutes in Reducto, Aguamenti, and Diffindo. I would advise looking at top-level runs to see all the tiny stuff and such, and feel free to ask about this kinda stuff in the discordz! (TLDR watch top runs and ask in discord) :)

gayannabeth, WiiSuper и 2 другие нравится это
United StatesTooad4 years ago

Hi, I'm a runner looking into this game. What categories would be good to start off with and why? (pros and cons)

Ashja нравится это
United StatesTooad5 years ago

Recently, a new miscellaneous category called No IM/WW (new) was added. I checked the rules/descriptions and there doesn't seem to be a difference. Can anyone tell me what's happening with this? Thanks

United StatesTooad5 years ago

The only significant difference between 1.2 and 1.3 is the load times.This doesn't really affect the route in any way, and makes 1.2 obsolete/ 1.3 is unarguably faster. For these reasons, I disagree with you on this. It isn't that hard to update to 1.3, and runners can easily beat their previous records that would become top 300 (In your example). If, for example, there is a 6 second difference, the standings shouldn't change very much, as long as the runners perform at or near their previous record. The only difference would be the time, as long as most of the runners ran 1.3 (Which is factually better). Therefore, the standings wouldn't change that much, and the ones who do fall in the leader board are probably inactive members of the community, because they didn't bother to update from 1.2 to 1.3 to get that advantage. However, the 1.0 argument could stand, as there are minor differences that change the route.

WoofMasterArf, Cursed1701 и 3 другие нравится это
United StatesTooad5 years ago

You could perhaps find a way to clip into the Fairy on Outset? That could be slightly faster.

United StatesTooad5 years ago

If you very much prefer the feel of the pro controller, but want the time save from item switching, you could use the pro controller and have the gamepad next to you for quick item switching. Same thing with gyro controls. When those sections pop up, you can use the gamepad, and switch back to the preferred pro controller after! There is no penalty for this (you don't have to into options or do anything extra).

United StatesTooad5 years ago

This would be in Misc. Section and there would be glitches allowed

koko_yl и natgoesfast нравится это
United StatesTooad5 years ago

In this new category, the objective is to save grandma with the fairy. Note: You do NOT have to complete the whole game, just save Grandma. Timer ends when you get the soup. Thoughts?

koko_yl и natgoesfast нравится это
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