тема: Super Mario 64
тема: Super Mario Bros.
Did you play on the European version of smb? Ground clips are only possible on pal what I know
тема: Super Mario 64
тема: Super Mario 64
тема: Super Mario Bros.
Hi, is there a practice rom for the all stars collection? I can't find anything.
I saw a tweet that he just wanted to have a mid 1:39 and then sell his n64. But I don't know if this is true. The tweet was from 2019 or something
тема: Super Mario 64
What I know you could run it with a adapter on pal n64 but it won‘t be able to run at the same speed. Sorry for my English.
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Does anyone have ideas for new categories?
When the character starts to dance. xD
Is there an strategy to get a good fight at 1-4?
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