Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

Forgot to say, thank you to everyone, whether for or against, for sharing your opinions and expressing how you felt.

Resident Evil Speedrunning isn't new, but working together for the betterment of the community as far as I know is something we haven't really done before. I'm sure a lot of people might be discouraged from further discussions like this, but these things need to be addressed and solutions need to be produced by the community as a whole - despite how much we respect or like eachother. Let's keep it about the games people and not about the runners (take that shit to AOL Chat Kappa).

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

So many views and replies since I slept xD We've even gotten input from a runner of another series (which I thought was pretty cool).

Still, no matter how many stories we share or how much we prove our skills, the question is: Are tool-assisted runs to be placed on the leaderboard? Yes or No is surely all we need at this point considering there are 7 whole pages to refer to for information. We can discuss how to incorporate them AFTER that's decided.

Also, simply because a rule or law is difficult to enforce does that make it pointless (i.e. cyberlaws, texting while driving, abuse)? As a few have stated before, I would love to trust that runners of the communities remain true to whatever rules are put in place - if it cannot be proved that they are in violation of such rules then oh fucking well.

The goal of my participation here is to help make a fair playing ground, but if people want to find loopholes and pull tricks to compete merely because we can't prove otherwise then they'll just have to live with that unjust act.

Darazanjoll нравится это
Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

No, I mean in regards to uhTrance's performance since it seems to be in question. There are much more areas where turbo doesn't matter than those where it does, so at least give credit there. Also, there's an entire run posted where no turbo was used at all which is still the best time (for RE3), so in reference to that - some form of credit should be given.

@uhTrance No offense, but your first post started off nasty, as well as guitar's, so any backlash because of it is sensible.

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

Thanks for your all of your input, Furs. In response to all the anti-uhTrance in this thread, I will say that we all know there are more to these runs that turbo alone doesn't solve, so at least give credit where it's do.

SephJul нравится это
Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

"RE3 is a different story because no one even challenged Yoshi's run. Ever. Who knows why but I always remember being told Yoshi had the WR and Insane was 2nd. That's another issue at hand really."

It was often challenged/questioned (which I showed proof of in a previous post) but never have we come together to make a decision about whether or not it's something to be accepted.

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

@guitarjunky1991 How you feel about that is truly a personal issue. Even if correct, it's unfair to have judgement without evidence and pretty much goes against what we're trying to establish here.

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

Unless we record their hands, we can't honestly. As I said, I'm not concerned with proving it's use - I like being able to trust the runners of the community. If we decide to exclude it from the leaderboard, but it's use still persists, then the runner in question is being unjust to the community as well as themselves.

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

I personally am not concerned with proving whether or not turbo is used. We'll never be able to enforce the rules entirely, but I would still like there to be some set so that anyone in violation of them will know they're being unjust to the community and themselves.

Edit: Banning quickshots is one thing, but as mentioned by others above, there are multiple areas in which the usage of turbo can be advantageous, so it would be pointless to do so.

Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

@uhTrance - Turbo usage has always been questioned. Jake Tabor and Insanebb were very upset with it's use when yoshi got the WR as you can see here, so please don't make this solely about you -

I've been around 2+ years remaining neutral in what often becomes a mess of a community and I would love for this thread to remain what it's originally intended to be.

We're here to discuss the use of Turbo. Nothing more. If that run is without the use of Turbo, congratulations, you still have a World Record. We are grown ass men and women so can we have a ¤mature¤ discussion?

Edit: As far as I know, SephJul has contacted all the runners I'm aware of to come and join the Skype group, so titling it as a "circle-jerk" without evidence of what's discussed within it is indeed harsh. There's nothing to hide, it's just easier to have a conversation imo

Pyman, guitarjunky1991 и 3 другие нравится это
Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

Lmfao Guitar I'd love to keep things civil, but can't say that I disagree.

Edit: I don't question anyone's skill. If it's there, show it. Relying on tool-assistance is unacceptable, no matter how big or small the area in which it's used.

guitarjunky1991 нравится это
Georgia, USATheLevelBest9 years ago

Though I'm not ¤entirely¤ aware of how big of a scene the Turbo debate has created, I do agree it's a topic that should certainly needs to be discussed.

I didn't mind the use of Turbo in the past as I believe it gives runners no impossible advantage over one another as it's used is typical for quickshooting, making the feat effortless and no longer requiring skill, but still nothing that a runner can do without said advantage.

Regardless of how I feel about it or how much it actually helps, Turbo is indeed a form of tool-assisting which should not be compared to a standard run.

I vote to ban turbo runs from the leaderboard and judge them as TAS.

guitarjunky1991 нравится это
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