Update on my previous request: Could the name be updated to SyluxRuns?
Hey, would it be possible to have my name changed to Sylux? Thanks :)
This is my game files, hopefully it works for you
The PS2 is known for having slower loads than the other two consoles of the generation, if you're going for WR you pretty much HAVE to run on XB/X360.
But here's the thing. You're doing things OUTSIDE of the game to make the run itself faster. Isn't that kind of, you know, against the point of speedrunning a game?
Well spoken post, dude From an outsider's perspective, I see no reason why it should be allowed if it requires physically manipulating consoles. Isn't cartridge tilting banned on most 64 games? Also, since there are methods of doing the skips without it, it's not even required to go fast.
You start from a new save file, time starts when you start the story and ends when you lose control of Knack. Any difficulty is acceptable, but easy is most optimal if you want to get technical
Tried it out, only works if you lose bubble state by dying 3 times, so it doesn't save time.
I don't see any rule against them... Are they allowed?
I agree (i know, big surprise) it will push me to prove myself as a runner... i'm mostly going to be doing NTSC now for any% and maybe hundo on JP, so those will be livestreamed or recorded when attempted
If anyone has any questions, you can PM me on twitch or twitter, or add me on Skype (all 3 are EnderLordJamal )
I need someone to find the map data in the game so i can better analyze where the checkpoints are, so i can potentially find new skips. If anyone finds anything, dm me on discord
What proof do we have of it? i know it's from an old forum, but was there proof there?
why are they banned? can i get a bit of an explanation?
Also a side note, the load time lag was about 1.5sec per load time, with 20 load times total that would have been 30 seconds, so dont even complain about it
Are you sure your computer can handle the loading? because that's where the lag is