There is the Any% Current Patch NMG route in the "Guides" tab which is pretty well done if you want to start with Any%, there is also an All Skills one if you prefer (it's a bit easier than Any%, but also a bit longer). If you want you can even learn to run a category extension, shich can be a significantly shorter category and maybe even a good one to start speedrunning. In this case I reccomend "A1uba%", to know more you can freely ask in the discord or watch a video of it to get used to the route, strats, exc... Important Note: Ps4 patch is, so if you have to submit a run make sure to submit it to the "Current Patch NMG" section of the leaderboards. Plus, since Ps4 hasn't got an autosplitter, it runs on RTA (Real Time) and yeah, on the category extensions you are going to be penalized for this since PC runners have loadless timers. Hope I've been exhaustive enough ^^
It exists, if you go to "Leaderboards" and to "Level leaderboard" you'll find a section dedicated to some of the Individual Levels (ILs) of the game, including King's Pass