I should probably just buy a keyboard too. Only reason I specified mechanical is because a mate of mine said that he finds Tetris impossible to play on a laptop, because of the lack of control, and he's got some Razer mechanical keyboard or something with his home PC.
Yeah true, I've been too lazy to attempt it. It'll be deathless when one of us goes for it lol
Stuie, do you have a mechanical keyboard? I was experimenting with this trick a few weeks ago but I can't do it reliably with my laptop keyboard. I need the precision of the mechanical keyboard, I think. It means I can't do this trick but it also, more importantly, means I can't get a sub 15:50 on caves 4. I don't have the precision/control over the jumps :(. Think you're gonna have the WR over me for a long while till I get a PC.
Agreed, the rules should be changed to "all hearts and spades collected in a consecutive run" or some such. I feel like dying and restarting also defeats the purpose, but perhaps that's up to debate. Should definitely be changed to at least mention "all hearts and spades".