тема: Devil May Cry
United StatesSlickford2 years ago

Hard is almost the exact same run as DMD! so most people play either Normal or DMD!

There's really no demand for yet another category at the moment. If you'd like, join the Discord because there's a lot more discussion there than on here.

тема: Devil May Cry
United StatesSlickford4 years ago

PC runs will now be required to use an input display for all inputs for any and all input devices. If your run uses both controller and keyboard, you will need both a controller input display and a keyboard input display, even if you only use keyboard for one instance.

What does this mean for the average runner? For most, this will only affect Mission 1 on Normal difficulty, although Quickshooting does have other uses in less popular runs. Quickshooting on keyboard for PC runs has, until now, not been subject to the input display rule that has been in place for around 5 months now. Starting now, all inputs will need to properly be displayed.

Quickshooting is NOT banned. It is left up to the preference of the runner whether to use that strategy or not. If you prefer to use the quickshoot method, then you will simply need to include a keyboard input display with your run alongside your controller input display. Any run using any input not captured by an appropriate input display will be considered invalid.

Feel free to voice any questions or concerns.

XAemonX, xenkaroshi, и DECosmic нравится это
О Slickford
4 years ago
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