тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

It is worth it to take a detour to make a cash run closer to the Sayonara spawn location at Brandon Docks ctOS.

Making the cash run in the new spot is comparable in time to the old cash run. For the new cash run, you want to hide behind the truck so that the guard doesn't see you.

Driving could have been better with the car, but the new strats/route guarantees you a Sayonara (which is better than every vehicle that you can get at this place) in a decent location.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

This shows that spawning a Sayanora before this mission is worth it. Taking a bike here isn't too risky if you activate a late blackout and take the same route as me. The time save is mostly because you can take the bike to the boat.

I slow down on this mission because I want to trigger the steam pipe after the T-bone dialogue to activate the Damien dialogue earlier.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

This shows that the early bridge hack strat (found by Mr. Dirtbag) is faster than going for all of the dialogue skips prior to Way Off the Grid (A2M15).

The dialogue skips done on the right side are not perfect, but they still can't make up the 6 second difference. The second dialogue skip for the bridge hack strat has little room for error if you want to do it and still make it to the mission start on time.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

This blackout strat was found by Mr.Dirtbag. You can use a blackout during this mission (A4M5/Little Sister) to allow Nicky to run past the enemies. There is no need to reload the autosave to make it more consistent. To make sure it is nighttime during this mission, you have to teleport to this mission with a cash run instead of using the train.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

It is possible to drive a vehicle farther into the fenced area without alerting the enemies by running over at least one of the guys on the left. You have to drive slow enough to not alert them, but also fast enough to run them over. This is more easily done with a bike. Do note that you have to take one of the driving routes to the right when you spawn in for the new strat to work. There is more time to be saved with this strat than shown because you can use the vehicle you drove in with to escape the area, which can be a lot faster than the fixed vehicle that you usually use. Also, a couple of enemies can be in different positions depending on the RNG/time you arrive there.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

This shows the new dialogue skip that Mr.Dirtbag found in this mission and compares it to the old dialogue skip strat. It gives you more time to use the ATM since you don't need to kill the two guys. Just like the T-bone dialogue skip in Hope is a Sad Thing, you can go far away to skip the dialogue of the NPCs.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

This is one of the strats that Mr.Dirtbag found in his first any% run. You can use focus to time a cash run after Risky Bid is finished. This means that you don't need to drive to the train station and you can do more dialogue skips. Saves 5+ secs if you do every dialogue skip well.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

Reloading the autosave allows you to stop the train earlier. It can save 10+ secs over the old strat here. You can just shoot one of the fixer cars. No need to even kill anyone.

A minor problem here is finding a car on the road and they could call the cops on you. RNG can also be an issue for the fixers at the start.

You can still make it to Ghosts of the Past (A4M6) in time with the cash run that you create in the new route and manage to do a couple of dialogue skips. Just take the fastest car from the parking lot.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

I found a way to skip the news broadcast prior to Pit of Paranoia. If you investigate the missing persons location for Michelle Strauss, you can skip the news broadcast about her & the serial killer. You can do this skip without losing any time. But you have to make sure that you don't skip too much dialogue at the junkyard (by leaving too quickly), or else you will have to wait until T-bone finishes all of his lines first before leaving the area. There is also a risk that you can fail the mission if you don't return to the junkyard before the timer runs out.

There is also a comparison to the old strat, which loses 20+ seconds to the broadcast skip. Do note that while the news broadcast skip (cash run) is the fastest shown here, driving the whole way (with the news broadcast skip) is actually faster because you get to set up a cash run to use to teleport to The Future is in Blume (A3M4) later. In total, this skip saves about 35 seconds.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

Reload autosave strat after Pawnee ctOS teleports you to land and is faster than docking the boat. The only major concern is that reloading autosaves can cause a bug in which Aiden can't move:

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for these strats. These were posted in the Discord as well.

You don't have to go to the center first to access the underground camera. It is possible to jump to the right side with the bike, but you have to go back to the entrance to get the autosave to prevent a softlock, causing you to lose time. The new strat saves about 15 seconds as shown by this comparison.

You can hack cameras through the door by using some weird camera manipulation. This camera strat is tricky so I show my reference here on the left. There is a time save of about 10 seconds if you do the new strat well. You have to wait until the autosave before you complete a hack on someone (otherwise you have to hack an extra person), but you can profile everyone first.

He posted this strat also, but I found it to be inconsistent/unreliable. The theory is that scaring T-bone (by doing something like crashing into objects/people behind the bar) will cause him to turn around to check what's happening.

тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

A different way of getting the firetruck skip was found. This was also posted in the strats thread and is very consistent:

Ga_Sprite_PowKk нравится это
тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

We finally figured out a way to do the firetruck skip on this mission. The explosion from the canister will interrupt Aiden's animation, allowing you to gain control of him much earlier. If you blow up the fence outside, you will have a clear line of sight to shoot the fixer before the firetruck cutscene starts. This skips the entire chase and is much easier than the old strat. The only problem is the canister getting blown up before the download finishes, but you can reload the autosave to respawn it.

Credit to Mr. Dirtbag for the explosive canister strat.

Ga_Sprite_PowKk нравится это
тема: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

Wolfbloxer is actually working on an offline 100% route, but he is currently taking a break:

рекорд: Watch_Dogs
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

Nice run! Glad to see you are still running this game and using new strats.

terry_hzkr нравится это
тема: Watch_Dogs 2
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

The WD2 game folder is not Epic Games\Watchdogs2. It's probably in Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Watchdogs2 because the actual game files are downloaded from Uplay.

тема: Watch_Dogs 2
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

I don't think that is the game folder. Those are not the game files. I have the game on Steam, and it's in Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Watch_Dogs2. You would probably have the game folder somewhere in Program Files or something like that (depending on where you installed the game). The folder in Documents\My Games does not contain the game files that I'm talking about.

тема: Watch_Dogs 2
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

How does it not have it? It's the folder with the common.dat/common.fat/patch.dat/patch.fat files

тема: Watch_Dogs 2
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

From the rules: Start at 8:22 (minutes: seconds) if you are using the intro mission cutscene skip mod.

Instructions: You have to be on PC obviously to use it. Download the patch3.dat and patch3.fat. Move them over to the game folder: Watch_Dogs2/data_win64 and you should be able to skip the cutscenes in the intro mission by pressing the button.

тема: Watch_Dogs 2
United StatesRandom_Machine2 years ago

The category doesn't have to be on the leaderboard for people to do runs of it, but I will consider adding it if runs are done first.

О Random_Machine
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