Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye5 years ago

Unfortunately you can't choose the Turnabouts independently in LaytonvsPhoenix like you can in other Ace Attorney games, because this is primarily a Layton game with Phoenix Wright thrown in for court segments in-between all the puzzles.

You can, however, do ILs for each individual puzzle though!

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye5 years ago

For 100% shouldn't you need to get all Hint Coins as well? Or is just completing all 70 puzzles to get the Gold stamp all that's necessary?

тема: The Site
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Hey there, can I please have my username changed to ValkyrjaTV? Thanks!

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

In addition to that, all dungeons and trials in 2.x content can be done unsynced and have a completed IGT, so the level leaderboards should be updated to include all of said content instead of just up through Pharos Sirius Normal, IF the leaderboards are going to be strictly IGT only rather than allowing any RTA runs whatsoever.

EnErgEstER нравится это
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Going to stir the pot a little bit with this but, there should be a community discussion then about groups who want to do full MSQ dungeon runs or pre-made group runs of POTD, because some of us have a group that want to do a full-game all MSQ 2.x-3.x dungeon runs but if only IGT runs are being accepted, it limits the community massively as to what content they can and cannot run.

EnErgEstER нравится это
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

No Skips/Glitchless is Current Patch.

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

No word yet. I wish I knew how to do programming and coding myself, cause then I would totally do it no problem.

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

I can make a discord for SPTSOT if people would like that to be a thing SeemsGood

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Easiest way to run glitched on consoles is to buy a used physical copy of the game and when you run the disc, do not let the game patch. You'll be able to do every glitch from the base version that way.

Still working on the guide for the game, lost my motivation a while back and ended up running some other games, but I'll get back on it this week and finish it. I'm about 75% the way through and it covers all of the glitches done in the unpatched version of the game (Mr. Slave skip, Bard skip, and the cave in Canada).

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

So I added categories for each of the four base classes, as well as a modifier for each run whether it's a glitched run (ie does Mr. Slave Skip, Bard Skip, etc) or Glitchless. I don't want to make separate categories for each class glitched and glitchless, as it'd just make the leaderboards look bloated.

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

The only way I've been able to do it is by unfavorable means ¤coughtorrentcough¤ since I couldn't depatch the Steam version, then adding a no-steam patch to the files to play it separate from the steam version. It was super janky and almost left a virus on my computer, but it worked. Somehow.

I'm trying to find someone who know how to make a patch client much like what the Borderlands 2 community has and be able to downpatch this game the same way, but no dice so far.

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago


Edit: Instead of making it a separate category, I added it as a value for the Any% runs (that way the leaderboard isn't cluttered up with Any% Mage, Any% Mage Glitchless, etc etc), so when you submit a run, you can designate whether or not you ran it with glitches/skips in the older versions.

тема: The Site
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Yeah, I checked his twitter and say that it was super inactive, so I erred that he doesn't check it at all.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

@Deln The only way I know he's active is because he's approved my runs of the game, but that's all I've had to work with. I have zero way to contact him aside Twitch, and I've already messaged him and whispered him to no avail. I don't want to just pop into his stream and ask him to check his messages, that's poor etiquette. That's why I posted here, AS the last resort. I want to see the community for the game grow, and I can't do that very easily without some cooperation from his side.

Also @LoveBot you can try to contact Dugongue on twitter, as he has it linked on his profile here. He responds pretty quickly on there, as he and I have had some discussions about other games from time to time.

Edit: double posted, deleted the other post and edited this one.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: Ace Attorney
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

If you're using 3DS or DS, and have a good enough webcam and a mini tripod, you can record runs that way, with either the audio turned up for the microphone to pick up or an audio cable going to the line-in on your PC. That's how I'm recording all of my 3DS/DS runs so far, and it's worked out pretty well, quality wise.

тема: The Site
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Hello! I would like to request to be added as a moderator for South Park: Stick of Truth if it is possible. I've reached out to Zandergoth on twitch to request to be added as a moderator, but either he hasn't noticed both messages and whispers or is ignoring them. He's approved my runs for the game, but that seems to be about all he's done so far. I'm wanting to help the community grow as much as I can, as there have been multiple questions from people in the game's forum boards as to make new categories for those who can't downpatch, and for resources and guides for the game, the former I can't do anything about unless I've been a moderator.

I am a supermod for Legend of Mana, and moderator for several other games, so I know what there is to do for moderating, and the responsibilities it holds.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Only reason I don't have a time on the leaderboard is cause I only have a successful NG+ run, not a NG run and I don't want my poor time to be #1 on NG+.

Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

I can hit up Indykenobi to maybe add some to the Resources page, but until then, I've uploaded a blank one to at

I split after the Stage Complete screen is over, and the final split is after denying Chrom the final hit on Grima (in the cutscene).

X1facepalmcombo нравится это
Baltimore, MD, USAPixelkaye7 years ago

Working on a new guide for the any% at the moment! I'll have it in the guides section within a few days.

All glitches are doable on an unpatched PS3 or X360 disc version, as well as the older versions on PC, but we don't have a downpatcher available yet to make it widely available for runners. I'm hoping to talk to Zandergoth and help out with leaderboard moderation since I'm already supermod for several other games on the site.

О Pixelkaye
Coming out of retirement. Some vods are unavailable, need to reupload eventually.
9 years ago
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