тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@Fragbringer More like a 2 week thing. Sorry about the delay, it got obsoleted with the latest version of jQuery and needs to be updated. I'll keep you posted.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago


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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@EmeraldAly and @Timmiluvs You have the site-browsing theme set to Default. Go to Settings and you can choose a different theme. Set it to "My profile theme" to make your profile theme appear everywhere.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@Lonne Pretty much. It tries to position itself in the same way the real background does but it's tricky. I could possibly achieve it using JavaScript though...

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

The Streams and Series pages are getting a rewrite, I'll be sure to add that feature back in.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Hello speedfriends. Continuing on again from the other thread (which I'll now be locking so the discussion can continue here). I've just finished making the second round of amendments to the new layout, and I hope you'll be happy to hear about some of the updates.

• Theme customisation has pretty much been fully implemented into the new layout. This not only includes backgrounds and logos, but also foregrounds, icons, fitting options, positioning options, repeating options, scrolling options, panel colouring, and opacity. • Old themes have been ported over, and in some cases may be merged with the new primary colour. You may want to review your themes to check they look okay on the new setup. • For full transparency, I want to list the colour options that were not brought back, and why:     ◦ Panel border colour: Borders around panels have been removed in general     ◦ Row border colour: This is now generated from the panel colour     ◦ Text colour: This is now generated from the panel colour     ◦ Heading 1 colour: This is now always white, since it's been given styling separate from the rest of the text     ◦ Heading 2 colour: This is now always white, since it's been given styling separate from the rest of the text     ◦ Link colour: This now uses the primary colour     ◦ Navbar link colour: This now uses the primary colour • The default green is now darker on Day Mode. • The default green is now lighter on Night Mode. • Username colours now load on Day Mode, but have their brightness restricted so they don't clash with the white. • The background of an inactive leaderboard category tab now has a proper background. • The site-browsing theme system has been brought back. With this you can choose a theme with which to browse the site. Old favourites like Dreamhack and Milk (time-dependent) are also back.     ◦ With this, I believe it's now fair that custom themes on profiles is once again made a donator-only feature as it was for accounts created since 2017. However the threshold has been increased to make them remain available for any accounts already created as of the time of this post. • The old default theme is now available to use as a site theme (it's called Old). • When on the Settings page, your site-browsing theme will be loaded (rather than your profile theme) so you can see which theme you're selecting. • Setting opacity below 100% will no longer make the main content show behind the semi-transparent navbar as you scroll down the page. Instead you will only be able to see the background behind the navbar, which should blend in with the rest of the page. • On a coloured navbar (i.e. on a theme where "navbar colour" is set to "same as primary colour"), username colours are muted so they don't clash. • Series pages now show their themes correctly. • Panel opacity is now limited between 70% to 100%. • For all previous visitors to the site, Night Mode is loaded by default. • When editing a theme, pressing Save now reloads the same page so you can continuously preview your theme. • The old caching glitch has been fixed. Now when you upload a new theme image, it will update automatically and you won't have to hard refresh to see it. • As always, you can hide custom themes in Settings.

With this update, a few glitches have also been fixed:

• Hovering over a search bar result now shows the pointer cursor instead of the text cursor. • The marathon donation tracker info message's styling has been fixed. • The region selection glitch on runs has been fixed. • The delete tag glitch has been fixed.

I expect there'll still be some tweaks to get this just right so please keep the feedback coming :)

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@HowDenKing The brightness of the panel colour has a maximum and the opacity has a minimum.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Hey folks, just to update you: I've been working on the second round of amendments (there are a lot) and I'm hoping to push them live in the next few days.

Tiny preview:

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Guys I've got it! Facebook payments 💡

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote] [/quote]Fixed.

[quote] [/quote]Fixed.

Also, I think I fixed the marathon run submission glitch mentioned previously, if it's still not working please let me know.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@The-mad-king That's the @Milk theme. The functionality is still there, but with the pre-made themes that you can browse the site with gone (now your profile themes covers that), I'm not sure where to put it in.

@flyingfox Yeah series themes will be coming back. I just forgot this morning.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Thanks for the error reports, I'll be fixing them all.

As for Notifications, the server admin SgtKabukiman is looking into it today. Sorry about the delay.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

@CartinaCow You know, I was actually thinking of doing just that.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 и 7 другие нравится это
тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Hi again folks. I've read through the other thread (which I'll now be locking so the discussion can continue here) and I've taken on your feedback. The main issues that people appear to have with the new layout are as follows:

  1. Theme customisation was severely cut back.
  2. Users who signed up since February 2017 had to donate to create a theme on their profile (I locked it in for users who had access to it before then, though).
  3. Day Mode is default instead of Night Mode
  4. Themes don't load on Day Mode.
  5. Username colours don't load on Day Mode.
  6. The default green colour is not popular with a lot of you.

This morning I've made some changes that I hope you'll be happy about, so allow me to address all of the points:

  1. Theme backgrounds, logos, and icons have been added to the new layout (you need to set the theme colour to activate it). I'm not finished yet though, I want to add options to allow the dark grey to be dark navy or other colours to match the themes better, and transparency options. Do people also want the background positioning / scrolling / foreground options back?
  2. All users can now change the theme colour for their profile and for browsing the site. Anybody who donated just to unlock this can message me on Discord and I'll be happy to refund it to you.
  3. I haven't decided what to do about this yet, because I want to give equal weight to them. I welcome suggestions.
  4. Unfortunately, I can't do much about this. I've tried everything to get themes using light colours (like pink / yellow) to look good on Day Mode, but it just doesn't work. Again, I welcome suggestions for solutions to this problem.
  5. I'm currently working on an algorithm to constrict name colours so that lighter colours like yellows and pinks will be darkened to be legible on Day Mode.
  6. Someone suggested 66CC66 for Night Mode. Again, suggestions welcome. I hope point 2 should make this matter less, anyway.

There were other issues mentioned too, which I haven't mentioned, but I'm still taking them on board.

I'd also like to take a moment to apologise for offending anyone with my comment that most themes on the old layout looked bad. I was referring to minor games with bright red backgrounds and green text, of which there were many, but it was still insensitive of me to phrase it the way I did. I do appreciate that a lot of you worked very hard on making leaderboards look great and unique, and I hope we can reach a level of customisation where you can continue to do so.

I still have a lot left to do with this (and the site in general) so please bear with me while I work to get the site to a state where everyone is happy.

PS: Private Messages coming 2019.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=DangerousRival]Honestly can I get my $5 back i donated last night.....[/quote]That's fair. Please send me a DM on Discord.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Just a note that the old themes haven't been deleted or anything. All of the data and images still exist. Like I said I'll take a look tomorrow at what we can do to bring at least some elements back.

It's just hard to find a compromise between making the site look clean, while still giving you guys customisation options. Although there were a lot of bad themes, I appreciate that there are many good ones that I know some of you guys worked so hard on, like this guy.

Unrelated note: I'm aware notifications are still broken, and it seems to be a server issue. SgtKabukiman is looking into it tomorrow.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=KunoDemetries]There is a green text box around the save button, and it is left shifted instead of centered.[/quote]Fixed.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

Okay guys I've heard you. I'll see tomorrow about possibly bringing back some of the customisation options. Thanks for all your feedback so far. Keep it coming.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=kacey]my followed games while in a smaller window mode.[/quote]Yeah, the Followed Games list isn't currently visible on mobile, so that's something that will be added soon.

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тема: The Site
Pac5 years ago

[quote=CDRomatron]What's the recommended resolution for banners?[/quote]You can make them any size (I think max 2K×2K?), and they'll fit the window width automatically.

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О Pac
11 years ago
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