Currently i made a template run of Odallus:The Dark Call that looks something like this for 100% Normal Glitch-less category
Timing starts at Normal mode selection first input, timing ends on last hit on Final Form Priscus defeated when the player loses control
Must show in-game time at the end.?
Allowed: -Deathwarps (respawn at checkpoint intentionally) -Minecart Skips (Stay Inbound with Pazuzu cape) -Gatekeeper Ice Bear despawn (Hover over with Pazuzu Cape) -Gatekeeper Knights despawn (Veteran Mode Only)
Banned: -Debug Rooms -Out of Bound tricks (going through a falling block by accident or respawn oob must be corrected inbounds or exit the level if softlock) -Statue Zips/Warp Elevator Zips/Runestone Zips -All boss skips (Green Dog, Caterpillar, Albey 2, Amargein 2, Priscus) -Damage pause glitch (Gatekeepers, ShieldThrower, Red&Purple Fishes -Pulley pause glitch
Seeing as Hovering over an enemy and hovering inbounds on minecart skip is technically still inbounds, and it's possible to hover and despawn knights/ice bears by accident, imo it could be allowed in a pseudo glitch-less run in my opinion, whatever feels right for the run.
feel free to drop some suggestions/feedback the run feels good with these definitions imo
also glitched is every glitch allowed, looks good
This glitch creates a lot of flashing lights on screen just as a warning anyone with Photosensitive Epilepsy might not want to watch this glitch
By Charging up the Spear and releasing it at the end of Priscus Phase 2 it's possible to have the spear lasers stay on screen while the Phase 3 cinematic begins and skips completely the last boss of the game.
This also bugs and overlaps the ending music with the boss fight music.
Could be used in a glitched category and have glitchless seperate?
Amargein's Green Dog Boss skip found for Odallus :The Dark Call, skipping phase 1 very quickly, done with the Axe item and doing a landing axe throw it cancels out landing animation and you can enter the boss fight text box while having the axe spin mid-air and hitting the boss.
Yo Speedrunners! been speedrunning offline for a while as a fun hobby to play games fast, I used to dabble with Goldeneye 64 back in the hayday trying to unlock the cheats going really fast and that's how I got my first experience with speedrunning like so many others.
I came back to the hobby around 2012 after seeing GDQ and all the amazing things everyone has been doing in speedrunning, inspiring people to break their limits.
I've been casually running offline learning a few games and Speedrunning Demon's Crest ( the best SNES game, no sarcasm), looking forward to compete, breaking my speed barriers and finding new speedgames/glitches etc... Gotta Go Fast!