рекорд: GemCraft - Chasing Shadows
рекорд: GemCraft - Chasing Shadows
yes, I am using a macro with Autohotkey. Ill make a post with the script
Hi, I just want to double-check if my understanding is correct based on watching other "Level" runs:
- A "Level" run only starts when any action is executed (e.g., creating a gem, placing a tower, or calling a wave), not when you click "start game" in the map selector.
- The run ends as soon as all monsters are dead and the ending menu starts loading (even if it’s not fully visible).
Is this accurate? Thanks!
рекорд: GemCraft - Chasing Shadows
When I started recording I didnt notice that the game window was sliglty larger than the recording size, I only fixed it at around 26:35. I hope that isnt a problem, theres just a small part of the left/below screen that isnt visible until then.
Hi, apologies if this is a silly question—I'm new to the speedrunning world and trying to understand the basics.
- Are there specific rules for uploading speedruns of individual levels?
- Do the levels need to be new, or can they have prior progress? Can the player have a WL of 10,000 for example?
- What does "Endurance Victory Max" mean? Is it completing wave 999 with all traits maxed out?
- For endurance runs, does the timer start when the level begins or when the endurance mode starts?
Thanks in advance!
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О NJmig
Hey, I'm mostly an indie game developer (check my website) but I love playing games and decided to try speedrunning
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