Load remover is an extension to livesplit, the best way to use it on consoles is to use a capture card to capture the video to your pc. load remover targets a window, you want this to target crash, and for that it needs to be on your pc, as stated above here, either record it in some way first, and then re-record it on pc with a timer on the side. im srry if this is hard to understand, but the simple answer is yes,
There is some guides on this, i chose to link you my own as several people has learned the trick from this. so here you go, my channel also has the warp 2 (dingodile area) gateclip
@MelonSlice , i Agree and the mod doesnt have to be me either, just i keep tabs on the runs there cause i think its interesting, i just havent gotten around to it myself. i just want there to be someone there to verify runs
The dragon valor game for PS1 has no active mods, runs that are waiting to be verified, someone posted 1 year ago and some days ago about not having their runs verified or requests answered, its a game i am thinking of running and have very good knowledge of as it is a game i played a bunch.