Florida, USAMister_Toasty215 years ago

Here's a few more. Not sure if anyone's discovered these or not.

-you can double-click on the map for characters to run, same as the regular areas. -During Ransome's stand-up routine, select any of the bottom two insult options. The top ones have four dialogue lines while the bottom have three. It's about 3-5 seconds of him talking and walking less. -when directing characters to the Diner, go to MAIN ST. SOUTH on the map. It puts them almost directly in front of the Diner. -before visiting Delores, stop by the Factory real quick. Later, you'll always appear in front of the gate. This can save about seven seconds of walking. Have everyone else enter once the gate is open and they'll appear in the main area. Saves even more time. -during Delores's flashback, have her stand directly underneath Max Headroom's poster before reading her acceptance letter; her feet should just be touching the top of her chair in the foreground. Saves a bit of time of her walking there. -my barfing order goes: Ray, Reyes, Delores, Ransome. Ray's conversation with Sandy is unavoidable, but Reyes and Delores can just grab the hot dogs and skip her, while Ransome's dialogue is the shortest. -when Ray and Reyes return in Part 4, look at their key cards. Whoever has the lowest number should leave their room last. Example: if Ray is in room 706 and Reyes is in 401, have Reyes go out last. It's less time waiting for the elevator in the lobby. One time I had an agent in room 303! -when Reyes is talking to Willie in jail, you can jump out of the conversation after two dialogue choices.

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Florida, USAMister_Toasty215 years ago

Oh yeah, I figured it out. I trimmed my time down to 47m 30s, and I know I can do better than that. Hard to believe that I'm faster on my PS4 than some people are on PC. They must not know about the Factory skip.

...You can skip the long walk to the Factory by stepping in there on the way to Delores, then jumping back out. Saves about 7 seconds when you go to unlock the door later.

Florida, USAMister_Toasty216 years ago

Just finished my very first speed-run EVER, and it was for this game. My setup is extremely crude at the moment; I don't even have a counter. I finished a Casual% in abut 1h 5m 45s. I streamed on my PS4. The only thing I'm really having trouble with is skipping cutscenes. If anyone knows how to do this for the PS4, the world needs to know!

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