SURVIVAL KIDS :D one of my favorite games its sooo good :D the speed runs for it are pretty amazing too I think ^^ handheld games are my preferred too :) haha sorry :D good luck :D
just looking at the forums you can tell something needs to change with the mod team in mario kart wii
Hey :D I hope your request goes through its always fun breaking games :D haha
yeah there are quite a load of famous female runners ^_^ but I thought the question was interesting :)
and verlis is so bad but I doubt he would ever come here he just dosn't seem the type from his content.
Hello I never thought I would have to ask this but I was wondering if I could be a moderator on Lost in blue shipwreaked the mod has not been on for 5months with no contact information sadly otherwise I wouldn't of asked for mod.
Shipwrecked is a game I still need to buy its the last one in the series I haven't played, so I know a lot about the franchise as a whole and its mechanics and I love these games so much. The board doesn't even have any rules which I will be able to add to the board and although I haven't played this one yet I have seen let plays so I know how the game works :) thank you and sorry ^^ just sad to see a game in a franchise I love so neglected. (Btw the ds games are really good haha if you like sims castaway you might like this haha sorry) :D
No worries :) yeah you totally should will be super awesome to see another run on the board :D Scoagogo is amazing a really good mod :D yeah I hope it goes well :) also feel free to ask me any questions is you have any ^^
Emm the my sims just my sims game ? :) well there are 4 versions of the game which are super diffrent if you watch the ds and wii run only you will see two tottaly different games. We decided as a community to show emulator on the tabs as you will see in the fourm on the game and the stars are the different levels of the game. :)
I am currently working on 2 star just need to set some time aside to record it ^^ the game has only just started getting runs on to it so of course it is pretty empty right now :) sorry about this but yeah it kind of needs to be done and I love having 1 to 5 star gives me more to do :) ^^
Super Mario sunshine can also be run on pal because Italian some games are pal exclusive but not many games like Crazy Frog Racer emmm can't think of any more we also sometimes get games that came out in only Japan and pal can't think of any but you know yeah. :)
The games I have run don't seem to have game skipping glitchs or in fact any at all it feels like. I would love to see barrier skip for gamecube ww :) would be really awesome and helpful. Its the glitch I want found the most in fact :)
I guess even if there are two mods but one is really inactive over 3 weeks then it should be okay to verify. If you watch the run and it seems a bit dodgy then you can say something and get it delt with :) my view was a run around 20 days ago on woman category then a month ago on hard-core :) I left the link there. Unless you mean a different game?
Oh awesome youtube channel :D up my ally and an amazing looking speed run :) welcome :D
Hey :) yeah thats cool it can be hard to find that first game but glad you found something you enjoy. :D I hope you have lots of fun :)
Hey welcome :D cool to see you have a lot of accepted runs :D wahhh!!! haha
Bonjour :) your English is a lot better than my French :) it was easy to understand ^^ thats super cool I hope it goes well :3 good luck training :D
I know they do that all the time but with saves very little chance to use them doing a run unless you want to safty save or needed for a glitch etc I know all about oot and how they use the Jap virtual console release because it is even faster than the IQ player. I just meant saves in genral my English writing is pretty bad to be honest so I can see where the confusion came from. :)
oh yeah I understand that most people don't pay attention probably because we want it to be over so we can get back to our games and stuff haha thats me :D
hey welcome :) if you want to get involved more you can also join the site discord and some games have there own discord too which is cool :D if that interests you at all ^^ have fun :3