
Sorry for my vagueness. TwilightMenu++ is a tool which lets DSi/3DS run roms off of an sd card natively. It's identical to playing on cartridge with the exception of saving quicker.

As stated, the rules seem a bit vague. It's running natively on console but not off of a flashcart/repro. Just want to verify before I submit a run. Thanks for the clarification.

I just tried it and it works like a charm! I hadn't tried waiting till 0:01 before now but its totally functional on my DSi (I just wish I would have known this before waiting a month for Solrock!) Thank you so much!

Crrool нравится это

Oh wow! I could never get the clock method you mentioned to work! What console did you use to do it? The ability to skip that time frame does make the category incredibly obsolete. I would love to see how you did it though; that information is not well documented at all! And thank you for humoring my idea! I'm fascinated by the work you do with these games so to get a response here really made my day.

Crrool нравится это

I recently finished a catch em all playthrough of the gen 4 games without using gen 3 at all. While the run is largely the same as the current gen 4 category, removing gba insertion requires the use of safari zone objects. This makes the run last a minimum of 30 days as the wait time for safari zone objects can not be skipped by adjusting the in game time. Now while this is bad for most situations, forcing the RTA to be this long allows for single player runs to be competitive as, no matter the number of people playing the game, the RTA will be roughly the same through out. The current state of the leader board basically necessitates continuous play from a group of runners to be competitive; the gen 4 exclusive category would allow for single runners to compete as well (and move the focus to IGT rather than RTA). As for the Regis, I would propose the use of the Regigigas distribution cart, which is compatible with Diamond and Pearl. The rom for this event is freely available online and works with physical cartridges through TwilightMenu++. To prevent a player from sweeping through the game with the gifted L.100 mon, it would be limited exclusively for activating the events in platinum. I find this method to be the least intrusive (its so dumb that the regis were never more intuitively implemented.) I think this idea has potential! What are your thoughts?

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