I tried to develop an autosplitter to remove load times, but I was never able to figure it out. We just use an RTA timer on screen without any special config, and the mods have been manually removing load times. The load times consist of when the Amadeus gif is playing at the bottom of the screen.
This leaderboard is only for the enchanted edition, which was released in 2014. The original Trine was indeed released in 2009, and is almost an entirely different game.
A new Trine autosplitter has been developed to pause the timer on cutscenes in the tutorial, loading screens, and the top of Tower of Sarek. This is intended to normalize times across all different PC's and across solo and co-op categories, since co-op runs can't skip the cutscenes.
Use of this autosplitter will be required for all future runs. When submitting a run to the leaderboard, "Time without loads" is required, and "Time with loads" is optional.
In order to use the autosplitter, edit your splits in LiveSplit and just click "Activate" and it should work. Hop in the Discord server if you have any questions or concerns, or if you find any bugs. Thanks!
Here is the discord server for the Trine speedrunning community. Feel free to join and ask questions, get feedback, or just hang out. https://discord.gg/9Y6RK3h
Here is the discord server for the Trine speedrunning community. Feel free to join and ask questions, get feedback, or just hang out. https://discord.gg/9Y6RK3h
Here is the discord server for the Trine speedrunning community. Feel free to join and ask questions, get feedback, or just hang out. https://discord.gg/9Y6RK3h
Hey fam, I know this request was made by stEEx a few weeks ago, but I am requesting to be a moderator for Trine and the Trine series (https://www.speedrun.com/trine). The current mods have all been inactive for 3+ months except Nerezea, who hasn't been on in over two weeks. I messaged Nerezea on Twitch 2 weeks ago asking him to make me a moderator since he's rarely on, and he hasn't replied. I'm know the Trine games well, having the 2nd fastest time in Trine 1, and I'm on the site very often. Thanks for your consideration, Maximum Leech
EDIT: added link