With the change that came after the 1.4.0 update we had been rolling around with the idea of resetting the insane leader boards. This is because the AI for lunch lady herself had been extremely buffed making the old records set on insane essentially impossible to beat in the new update.
Thus, we have decided on wiping the boards clean for the insane difficulty, rather than creating a new sub-category for the new insane update (This would create a rather large number of more categories and we already have so much of them).
- Malamber & ttpprr
I first want to start off by saying all of these changes are a collective thought to what everyone in the community seems to want and we've been discussing it in the unofficial discord and wanted to wait to put it all in one forum post.
I should also note, this post is both for VGP but is also for the summary of all the things we would like to see happen with Wizard101 Speedrunning as a whole
Obviously VGP is the only mod left from the old days of Wizard101 Speedrunning and the man is a legend, but I think it's time for some new mods to be added and everyone seems to agree. Possible people to be added would be Fraxker, Myself (Malamber) and SamNotWell. All of these people have been a huge part of lowering the times and coming up with guides and new strategies to make the times even lower and they are all people that really enjoy speedrunning Wizard101 and want to help with the moderation of the game.
In my honest opinion having an official Speedrun discord can help wonders introducing new potential players into our small and welcoming community and hopefully grow it. Fraxker has gone and made an official discord for it if these changes get implemented and we would love it for you to join it VGP, so we can finally have an official discord :)
Link: https://discord.gg/kRa8mct6vW
Everyone in the unofficial Discord and even others like Tech and VGP have been open to the Co-op category for a while provided both perspectives are shown for verification. SamNotWell and Myself have actually made a "mock up" run of sorts to demonstrate what Co-op would be like. Not only is this a very fun category that I think a lot more people would run as opposed to solo categories but it also opens up the door to a bit longer runs like Krok% etc. Overall I just think Co-op is a really cool idea and after all, the game is meant to be played with friends!
Co-op General Akilles% in 17:38 | by SamNotWell & Malamber Link:
I'll just end this big forum post off with a big thanks to Fraxker, SamNotWell and ItzGray for all the suggestions, and help with coming up with the ideas and sharing their opinions on this. I would love to see these changes be made and I look forward to seeing where this goes and thanks for being awesome VGP :D