тема: Speedrunning
United StatesMageius2 years ago

Just remember if you choose to help mod a speedrun leaderboard you try to at least keep an eye on it. I may not run some of the games I help mod anymore but I do make myself available for those interested in running the games to message me and keep an eye on the leaderboards whenever I'm on the site.

Just try and check in on them at least once every week or something that's a bit more regular in case anyone submits anything or has a question to ask.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
United StatesMageius2 years ago

Don't worry we all make mistakes improve and become better people for the most part (hopefully people do and I'm speaking from experience with having to grow and learn from mistakes every day.).

Never give up if you feel like stepping away from speedrunning it's fine it happens burnout and IRL things cause a lot of us to step away here and there. Just remember to take care of yourself have fun enjoying games. I may just be someone at random replying to this but I'm someone that at least tries to hear people out. So enjoy the break, come back refreshed and see if there's any other games that you might enjoy as a run. The only thing I'd ask is that you help pass along info to those that might want to try and run the games you have run and help keep an eye in anything you might be helping with speedrunning wise. Good luck to you and here's hoping everything else goes well.

(This is all being said in a way to help show that people do care even if they might not know anything about what's going on.)

grnts, YUMmy_Bacon5 и 3 другие нравится это
United StatesMageius2 years ago

Don't know if you'll read this or not but send me a message as although I don't know if there's a Discord or not, but I do feel you on wanting to have something discord wise for some platforms/series/ styles of games and the like. At minimum we might be able to "bounce" some Ideas off each other.

YUMmy_Bacon5, BBoppers, и O.D.W. нравится это
тема: Metroid Dread
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Never mind sorry for bothering you are. (They decided it would probably be best to wait because it was too close to the game's release)

тема: Metroid Dread
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Ah sorry for not replying sooner was a little worried about how my last message came off and well IRL has been a pain for me due to work.

Anyway if you're familiar with Speedgaming and their Speedgaming live event which is going to be online again this year: (Link to info about the event) (Link showing current nominated games for tournaments)

I wanted to know if it was ok if I donated the minimum amount to get them to add Metroid Dread to the list of other side tournaments since it allows for people to donate to get tournaments added to the event and since the game comes out a bit before the event I thought it might be fun and something people might like to see. (Originally did donate the minimum $20 for it and was met with a bit of a mixed thoughts on it due to how communities sometimes handle new games due to how close the event was and the nature of the event.). So I decided to ask about it, if it was ok, would the community want it or should I have them move the contribution to another tournament since it's the type of event where they also respect a speedrun communities thoughts and requests if they don't want a tournment in it

(Was namely apologizing so much because after thinking about it felt like I might have done something dumb and stupid with not thinking about it and it's the type of the that I should have probably asked about since part of my comment was about if they decided to ecen consider it as a tournament to ask about what people would want to see as far as a category went.)

Again very sorry for the inconvenience with all of this since and probably my own stupidity for not thinking as much with it.

(I'm just some no body on the internet but since it does allow for fan suggestions........)

(Esit was to add a link to the event info.)

тема: Metroid Dread
United StatesMageius3 years ago

(U almost completely forgot to point out that appently this year's event is going to be online again.)

тема: Metroid Dread
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good evening everyone,

Now I am probably a fool, idiot, stupid and probably dumb for even considering this but I am considering contributing the minimum amount for the game to a "other side tournment" level tournment for Speedgaming live 2021 because which is 11/5-11/13.

Look I'm 100% aware that it's probably a dumb idea and well probably be considered inconsiderate but I honestly think it could be fun to actually see a "snapshot" of a very popular game like Dread 1 month into it's life as a speedrun. Because the game isn't even out yet I thought it was worth it at minimum to ask if anyone would even consider it a smart idea.

Hence this is why I'm writing this and asking for the communities thoughts on anything that would be around this even before I do anything else. I'm far from being the best at conveying my thoughts in text here and am probably getting caught up in the hype of the game finally getting the ability to come out, but as a fan of speedrunning and the series despite not running any games in the series.

Honestly since SGLive haa money on the line and with it happening so close to the game coming out I don't know what the best thing would be to do. All I can do is I guess ask the community here would you want me to do this or would it not be a good idea and that I'm probably just being dumb and inconsiderate with even considering the idea. I'd leave everything up to the community to decide on it but as a fan, a gamer, a small peon, dreamer, and yes an idiot I wanted to ask.

(I know I'm dumb on this one so please don't yell, get mad or complain about me even asking the question despite knowing full well rhe community has a right to, just let me know on this one because I don't want to do something stupid here since I'd only be a fan.)

Please think it over and let me know what the community thinks, if the community says no I'll just probably but the minimum amount ($25) towards one of the other tournaments.

Thank you very much for your time and again sorry for bothering you all.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So just wondering is there going to be a separate leaderboard for the switch version or not?

Haven't played the switch version but figured I'd ask about it. (Don't know if the switch version has achievements or not.)

тема: One Piece
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good afternoon. sorry to bother you all but I wanted to pass along the info for this:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

Look I'm a fan of games based on anime and manga both of which are really under represented when it comes to showing off the speedruns in a marathon setting so I wanted to at least pass along the info to the speedrun communities that run those types of games.

It just didn't feel right posting on the community discord or on each game in a series but still if anyone wouldn't mind passing along the info to the rest of the community Discord. As someone who also speedruns a few games based off anime I just felt it was worth passing along the info.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm a fan of Star Wars and felt I'd pass along the info for the speedrun marathon since submissions just opened:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good Afternoon all, figured I'd pass this info along in case anyone wanted to show off any of the speedruns:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

I'm a huge fan of games based off of anime and Manga so figured it would be worth at least passing along the info considering it's Gundam. A franchise that's one of the original giant mech animes and manga.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good Afternoon all, figured I'd pass this info along in case anyone wanted to show off any of the speedruns:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

I'm a huge fan of games based off of anime and Manga so figured it would be worth at least passing along the info considering it's Gundam. A franchise that's one of the original giant mech animes and manga.

sityslow нравится это
тема: Yu-Gi-Oh!
United StatesMageius3 years ago

So figured I'd pass along the info here and ask if anyone wouldn't mind passing along the info to some of the Yu-Gi-Oh Speedrun communities:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!. "

I happen to be a fan of games that are based on anime and manga so thought it was worth passing along but didn't want to stop the info on each game's forum.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Just wanted to say congrats on doing speed run for the game as this game has been on my list for ages to create one for since it didn't have one.

Just figured since I saw there was one I would pop in to say congrats.

TheStellarStrix нравится это
тема: Gundam
United StatesMageius3 years ago

I didn't wants to post the information on every forum for each game so figured I'd post it here though I'm not sure how many people check this, but if there's a community Discord for the speedrun community please pass along the info there. (Didn't want to join when I'm just passing along info as it just didn't feel right.)

тема: Gundam
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good afternoon noon everyone sorry to bother you all but figured I'd pass this along to you all. I'm not admin for it (Well technically I am but am just doing more of the let's pass along info role). Anyway:

Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!

As I said I felt I should pass this along since I'm a fan of anime based games and series and thought I'd pass the info along in case anyone wanted to submit a game.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm interested in this but I don't run the game but I've been interested in starting to at since point, so figured I'd ask about this as it seems fun.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Just figured I'd post this since it's not listed yet here in SRC BUT according to their website submissions appently open Match, 14th.

Although not sure if that might have changed but thought it should be listed somewhere.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Though if the mini guide in gamefaqs is right I might hold off on getting the game for my SO until she gets closer to the end of the show. As I've seen the whole series and am doing the I'll rewatch it with you If you want type thing with her.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Ah, figured I'd ask as when I do at least play games casually I try to at least get a feel for the game to see if it's worth me trying to run it.

Thanks for the help.

So fun is the game anyway?

О Mageius
7 years ago
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