тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Don't think just turn off adblock


тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

my adblocker on, my economy just fine

SushiSquid, L и 3 другие нравится это
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Ivory, и Racoonix нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

You dont want to be a moderator, trust me.

Caarda, TheSecondTry и 5 другие нравится это
тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

I wanted to hit this thread with the "WHO?" but I couldn't be bothered, now here I am.

Merl_ и O.D.W. нравится это
тема: Talk
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Pretty sure the guy that bumped this wasn't alive 5 years ago.

тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

"Don't you guys have phones?"

discranola, MrMonsh и 4 другие нравится это
тема: Introductions
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago


Pear, TheSecondTry и 4 другие нравится это
тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Neat. I thought it was shit, and embarrassing, but I think that of anything from my drinking days. Glad you got something out of it though.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

I had a guy who was on his second account submitting obviously segmented runs to NES leaderboards. It was his second time and he waited like 2 years or something to make a new account and submit again.

This time he fucked up in hilarious fashion and left a completely black frame between clips where, if you were going to cheat, you would definitely splice right where he did it. I thought it was odd he would cheat that way on emulator, instead of just making a TAS run, but w/e it was solid proof of him cheating. Of course I knew beforehand that he was a cheater cause he was caught before, but I still took the time to analyze his entire run. I did so live as well, and made a video out of it. I wasn't worried about hurting his feelings because he was a prejudice douche towards non-american moderators lmao.

Of course when I did that video he took the time to dox me, threaten me, pretended to be somebody else (some prison inmate name he pulled from a database). Blew up my Twitch DMs with the equivalent of the navy seal copypasta. It was all wild and hilarious stuff. I didn't take it seriously at all, but it was still crazy to get doxxed over making a video about a cheater.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Lyren и 7 другие нравится это
тема: Talk
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

It's similar to games made for ESPORTS. You can't force these things. People are gonna play your game competitively if it's a fun game, pvp or otherwise. Basically focus on making a good game rather than a "speedrun friendly" game, whatever that is. A lot of speedrunners like the challenge of finding exploits or doing things against the dev path. Part of speedrunning is trying to break the rules of the game.

Ivory и Pear нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Right here, no other place I know of.

Ivory, O.D.W., и Pear нравится это
тема: The Site
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Personally I keep track of my own times, and I'll encourage other communities to see about doing the same. Not necessarily hosting their own website for a series. Can be as simple as a google sheet or some wiki page.

тема: Talk
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Pretty much anything made by Hopsin

ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Livesplit is free and available for both PC and mobile.

To answer your question: you can, though it might not be the most accurate. Ultimately any leaderboard worth submitting to won't require you to time your run(s), as it's on the moderators of said board to validate times.

Brodog569 и Walgrey нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago


тема: Talk
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

Didn't even try to delete their old posts, respect.

Ivory, TrenttheN642 и 4 другие нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

I mean, only joke about your age if you're willing to be banned lol

Zanum, jackzfiml и 8 другие нравится это
тема: Speedrunning
ValhallaKomradeKontroll3 years ago

The only rule is to not disclose your age. You need to be at least 13 to use this site.

Zanum, jackzfiml и 10 другие нравится это
О KomradeKontroll
Retired. Migrating runs off site in the future. Don't ask me for shit.
9 years ago
5 months ago
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