I did some runs with this strat. It's not that hard actually. Only first 2 inputs have to be frame perfect. Second 2 inputs have some room for errors. However, what's really hard - it's to get ball in that 1000 points gap after getting penguins. Any help on how to do that?
I did a little bit of debugging for this game Kappa So... "Penguin / 7 / 3" thing cycle trough by using frame counter and other checks, but here is the catch: Frame counter stops in this game when ball doesn't move. Also frame counter goes up on tittle screen, but fortunately you can buffer title screen in this game. Also, seems like inputs doesn't affect ball bounces what so ever. So you can hold "Start" and Reset the game while holding start - that's gonna buffer tittle screen. Then, after ball stops on top of spring, frame counter gonna stop at the same value (73). Then you can fully charge the spring and let go it at any moment. It doesn't matter when you let go it because frame counter doesn't proceed further while ball doesn't move. After that ball gonna do exactly the same bounce every time and you just need only ~4 frame perfect paddle swings. First swing to send the ball trough that thing to start those penguins cycle and 3 to get the penguins. If you do all 4 swings frame perfectly (basically it only matters when you start holding the button) then ball gonna bounce in the same way every time and penguins gonna be on the same cycle every time. So basically only 4 frame perfect inputs required to get the bonus every time. Further more, maybe there some way to get 2 penguins with only one swing with lucky bounces. Maybe, one day, someone gonna find setup for getting all 3 penguins with 1 swing. If so, then you only need 2 frame perfect paddle swings to get bonus every time Kappa
So it's more than possible to manipulate the bonus and 4 frame perfect inputs are much better than 4% chance if you rely on random bounces.
WutFace Ok. I'm gonna explain what's going in this video. Warning! Most of this are assumptions, because i don't want to waste time on ram / debug research. But this is at least something.
So... It's possible to completely manipulate those flying things. Their trajectories depends on 2 factors:
- Frame rule. I'm pretty sure you can find info about it somewhere in SMB1 community. I'm pretty sure this game (and actually Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr) uses same frame rule mechanic as SMB1.
- If flying thing goes bellow certain height then it somehow affects trajectories of other flying things.
So... At the next section i'm gonna describe how to completely recreate first 2 stages from WR run by Miha. So i'm not 100% sure if this is absolutely the fastest route or not. I'm just recreated his run.
So. First of all you have to start at correct frame rule. It's not that hard. I'm using sound cue for that. Just try to press start at the same part of the melody as Miha or i did.
How to understand that you started at proper frame rule? It's easy. You just have to watch how Olive throws first 4 hearths. If you pressed start somewhere close to the same part of the melody on title screen and if Olive trows 2 hearts to the right side of the bucket and then 2 hearts on the left side of the bucket then you are on proper frame rule. This is how first 4 trows should looks like:
So you are on the correct frame rule. What's next?
Seems like If you never let hearts go below this red line then last 2 hearths are gonna fly at center of the screen and there is no way for you to pick them up as high as WR did. Obviously, higher you picked up last item in the stage => faster you beat it.
So this is how i pick up hearths to manipulate last two. You have to let 3th, 4th, and 11 hearths to go bellow that red line. Every other hearth you have to pick up by top of Popeye's head or higher.
This how to pick up 3th hearh
You just go on the stairs and then go down by only holding down on d-pad! Then you wait until 3th hearth flies to you on itself.
This how to pick up 4th hearth
After you picked up 3th hearth immediately run to the left and stop just a little bit to the left of the those stairs.
This how to pick up 11th hearh
Same principle as 3th. Just go on stairs, then go down by only pressing down on d-pad and wait until 11th heart flies to you on itself.
After that you have to go up and pick up all hearths on the way. If you do everything correctly then last 2 hearths gonna fly to the left and you can pick up them like WR did. It also important to notice that it's very easy to lose frame rule on first stage. Seems like you are very very close to the next frame rule when catch those last hearths. And obviously if lose frame rule then that's it! Next stage can't be manipulated in the same way as in WR.
And here is how to manipulate music notes in the second stage, First of all. Check if you still are on proper frame rule. It's easy! Just watch where 2 first notes flies. If first 2 notes flies to the left exactly as shown here then you are on proper frame rule:
It's actually quite easy to get last 2 notes in this stage to fly to the left so you can pick up them extremely high. Everything you have to do is to let second note to fall pretty low like this: See how i picked it up somewhere in between those windows? That's it. Then you have to pick up all other notes at least by top of your head if you are on the lowest level. You can pick up them on the middle level no problem. If you do it correctly then Olive gonna trow last notes to the left again and you pick up them extremely high.
That's it! You manipulated first 2 stages. Hey! But what's about third stage? WutFace Sorry. I didn't looked into it. I just picked all letters as high as possible and there is no way to properly pick up last letter as wr if you do that. BUT! You notice how he let letter "H" to fall into the water: I'm pretty sure that's it! You have to do something like that and then last letter gonna fly in different direction. Ofc you still have to stay on proper frame rule after stage 2. Thanks for reading
Ok. I'm not gonna post any runs here anymore. Because there is no point to do so. BB
"have better stuff to do than verifying runs 24/7" Then make so they can't verify their own run if there are more than 1 moderator per game. So moderators wait as every mortal runner on the site.
I'm pretty sure it's important for everyone that your run appears on the site's main page. Especially if you are "small unknown speedrunner", because more people can check your run and maybe follow your channel, etc. But seems like it always takes 1 billion of million years for moderators to move their asses and verify your run. So there is almost no chance to appear on the main page. HOWEVER, when moderators submits their runs they just make them auto-verified. So their runs always appears on the main page. That's so freakin unfair.
It's pretty obvious that runs should appear on the main page by the verification time, not by submission time. (like TASvideos site does)
https://www.speedrun.com/smb1-air For example this romhack have 7!!! moderators. How much time i have to wait to 6-mins run being verify? 1 billion years for 6 min run?
I decide to make separate post to explain what's the difference between Toads and how it's work.
So here is the main difference between toads:
So you fall with the bike into the pit without grabbing checkpoint, then you respawn at the beginning of the level. If you play as green toad and you just try to play level without falling into the pits or anything then near the second island green toad gonna hit something that i called "invisible glitched thing" LUL It always there for green toad. I don't know if it's real object like glitched checkpoint or something. But when green toad gets to the second island then toad's "properties" gets completely destroyed. You can see on the video as soon as green toad touched that invisible thing - toad disappears from the screen and then appears on the top of it. Like even toad's coordinates gets messed up. But the most important thing that after touching this thing if toad dies then it respawn WITHOUT RESTARTING the level and you still can spawn 1-3 objects by falling into the pit after that. That what makes skip to the ice so easy with green toad. But for the yellow toad as you can see there are no such "glitched invisible thing". There are no way to get same state for yellow toad when you still can spawn objects and toad respawns without restarting the stage.
Next thing. Let's look how the flash at the end of the last stage works. It's important because we skip bike level by spawning this exact object from the end of the last stage Kappa
You can notice that when toad touches that object called "revolution flash" it jumps up extremely high by itself. I didn't press jump at all.
Next thing. There are also a glitch in the game where you can jump out of pit. It's done by pressing jump when Toad have Y coordinate = 255. However, toad can fall faster than 1 pixel per frame. So it can like jump over that 255 coordinate. Like for example it falls 2 pixels per frame. Frame 1 => Y pos = 252 Frame 2 => Y pos = 254 Frame 3 => Y pos = 256 = toad are death So here is no frame where toad was on Y = 255
Here is the earliest video demonstration of that.
So, to summary everything. You die on a bike without touching checkpoint then after you respawn at the beginning of the level you can spawn random objects by falling into the pit. The object that will spawn when you fall depends on where you fall. The goal is to spawn object from the last stage that ends the stage. However, when you are on the bike and you die you gonna respawn with restarting the stage. So if you just fall into the pit and spawn revolution flash and you die then you respawn BEFORE that flash thing ends. Nothing really gonna happen. That restart of the stage process gonna interrupt revolution flash. However, for the green toad there are "glitched invisible thing" that gives you status where you respawn without restarting the level. So for green toad everything you have to do: first touch that "glitched invisible thing" and then you can easily spawn revolution flash with death and it will work because toad gonna respawn without restarting the stage.
But for yellow toad you can't get that status where you can die without restarting the level and still be able to spawn things. So the only known way to skip the bikes for yellow are actually survive the fall. And to do that you have to spawn revolution flash while you are on that 255 Y coordinate. If you do that then revolution flash are gonna send toad to the skies preventing from dying. But there are a lot of problems with that.
- Revolution flash spawns from really small part. It's like 1 or 2 pixels wide or somehting
- When you ride a bike on flat surface it bounces up and down. So it's hard to start falling from same Y coordinate and so it's hard to always hit that 255.
So the way of doing it described in first post should be pretty good, because toad's vertical speed gonna be pretty low so it gives better chance to hit 255 and those 2 jumps are gonna decrease fluctuations in bike's bounces etc. Unless new way of doing it will be discovered it should be pretty good Kappa
Sorry for bad English. Oh, also there are a lot of assumptions, but this still should be pretty accurate explanation of whats going on Kappa
So in conclusion. Yellow toad can save about like 15 seconds in the main legacy% category. Yep. It's much harder to play than with green toad, but that's the fastest known route and it's actually doable. Obviously, i can't take wr with it because 15 seconds not enough for me. I'm gonna lose much more time on later stages, because i'm bad at this game. But there should be someone who really loves the game and he or she would pull of WR with this route one day Kappa That's gonna be real wr showing real strats, not an easy stupid grind for easy wr with green toad KappaPride Not the other way around as green toad people says
Here i gonna try to explain how to make old wrong warp from bikes to ice with Zitz and maybe explain why it's so hard Kappa
Here is fast explanation of the best known way of doing it:
1.After you fall into the pit with the bike without grabbing checkpoint you gonna respawn at the beginning of the level. Hold left before you respawn and keep holding it until you touch left side of the screen
2.As soon as bike touches the ground press jump. The more consistent you make this jump the better chances you have of getting the glitch.
- Then you have jump over first pit. The more consistent you make this jump the better chances you have of getting the glitch. I use background dirt or something to make this jump more consistent. Like as soon as bike touches that dirt i press jump
4.You have to fall into the next pit in really particular way. Actually, everything you have to do is just start holding right at the correct moment. The actual window for holding right are 1 frame. And that 1 frame fluctuates in 3-4 frame window. And if you ruined previous jump or even just get unlucky bounce pattern pretty rarely it don't work no matter what. So this is the hardest part of getting the glitch
And if you do it correctly the flash thing from the end of the last stage should spawn. Screen should blink with white, there should certain sound and Toad should fly out the pit and actually survive that fall. Here is video demonstration of it:
This was discussed on McFly's stream. Here is my thoughts about cloud room.
Again, rooms are made of separate screens. I roughly marked boarders of those screens on picture above. So when scrolling (camera) position are exactly at the middle of one of those screens... I don't know how better explain it. Like borders of camera lines up with borders of one of those screens then enemies for some reason can bounce of the edge of the screen. It's better to watch this video:
It should be pixel perfect scrolling (camera) position. If you just scroll 1 pixel to the side then enemy stop bouncing of the edge of the screen.
Also when you jump you have slower horizontal speed that when you walk. So when you go trough that room it's possible to exactly line up that enemy and scrolling position so enemy turns around. It depends on how much your jump. That's why that green dude can get in your way sometimes. Because one of green dudes turns around by bouncing of the edge of the screen. It can be unnoticeable, but next green dude now are in your way.
This is only assumption. Sorry for bad English
I made this romhack for easier practice on FlashCarts
You can always skip intro cutscene with this hack. Even after power on. So you can load savestate with flashcart immediately (without waiting 30 seconds of intro LUL)
Here i'm gonna try to explain how to spawn stick with Zitz Kappa
First of all i don't know how it exactly works, but seems like it depends on how two Snowmen trow their snowballs and how exactly you scroll the level => it means you have to make particular fall after first checkpoint as consistent as you can. I was trying to make fall strategy to eliminate as many fluctuation as possible. That was like the main goal. So here what i do:
I'm trying to cross checkpoint while running and i run all the way down the slope
After landing on first platform i'm trying to stay on it some particular time. It's important because you already spawn first snowman, but seems like second snowman didn't spawned yet. So by staying on this platform you can shift first's and second's snowman's trows relative to each other. I'm trying to determine time on this platform by distance i'm running on it. Because you have to press Forward + Forward to run and different people can press it with different speed you have to find distance that works for you by experiments.
After you start falling from first platform - don't try to cut corner of the platfrom too much. Try to land somewhere on the middle of the second floor and then RUN to the right. After you start falling from second platform then it's better to make a headbutt mid air. It's because by doing headbutt you can buffer left press to move to the left on the third floor. You don't have to do headbutt, but it's gonna be really hard to stay exact time on the third platform without it
So you hold left while headbutting. After you land on the third platform and when you start moving to the left - make a full height jump to jump over snowballs. DON'T TRY TO RUN. Just hold left. If you try to run here or try to make dash jump you gonna ruin it
After you start falling from third platform it's very important not to cut corner. You really want to move to the left a little bit in the air. That's because when you land on the 4th floor you really want to scroll screen from left to right a little bit. Then, after landing on 4th floor, you have WALK to the right. Just start hold right in the air and keep holding it on the platform. Then on the edge of the 4th platform you have to do really specific punch. Like you punch in the air and toad should have momentum to the right. It could be really hard to do that kind of punch. If you punch and fall almost straight down then you ruined it. Toad should like fly to the right while punching. That's why i jump in the middle of 4th floor. Because if i land right on the edge of the platform and punch i almost always get that punch. But you can do it without jump. You just have to get that particular punch when toad flies to the right really fast. Also if you do it right - then you can see that second snowman start trowing snowball almost at the same time as you start falling from 4th platform and you can hear that first snowman trows snowballs too.
If you do it everything correctly than stick should appear while punching to the right. BUT it can appear and immediately despawn. So while right punch happening i'm already holds left and i'm trying to make left punch. When you do that toad gonna swing the stick to the left. That's gonna prevent stick from despawning. It can't despawn while you swing it
So it's all about practicing the fall. And yep. It's possible to find better setup. For example if you can make so called ledge dash from second platform, then you gonna land right in front of second snowman. And when you do that snowman gonna try to hit you instead of trowing snowballs. And then if you run on 4th platform you can just barely made to the edge of the platform one snowball cycle earlier. So even if someone gonna find better setup with ledge dashes it's gonna be too hard to be consistent at them Kappa
And here is some videos: - this is a tas shows strats - and here is one of successful attempts on real console
So at the end it's relatively precise, but not that hard. If you got good snowball trows, good movement on 4th platform, good punch => that's increases chances of getting stick to like 95%. I saw how some people DON'T EVEN TRY to copy this fall. They do some random shitty fall (like "look how fast i play this section") that causes bad snowball pattern and then they say "i got this one in 1 bijllion tries" LUL Ofc it wouldn't work with random shitty fall. Don't trust them. You can do it consistently after some practice LUL
Rinkas uses same RAM slots as enemies, but their spawn was looking to random to me so i didn't mark them. But yes, they can prevent spawn of Metroids.
Also it's cool and all, but it's really hard to find places where this could be useful. Usually it takes more time to turn around enemies than you can save by turning them around ;C At least this is true for 100% category. Maybe it can be useful for different categories.
Back in the days i made this map that shows enemy's slots.
The whole game are made out of "screens". When scrolling cross border of one of those screens then game tries to spawn enemies on that screen. Enemies spawn only in particular ram slots. If that slot occupied by enemy or pick up then enemy wouldn't spawn even if all other ram slots are available. Also when enemy spawn in particular slot it tries to move in the same direction as previous enemy in the same slot.
For example i have troubles with that crawling guy near energy tank. If he moves to the left he blocks the way when i try to go back after E-tank and that could cost me a lot of time. So just by watching at map i know that he spawns in slot 2. And previous enemy that was spawn in that slot was that jumping guy on the ceiling. So by killing jumpin guy while he moves to right i can make so crawling guy near the energy thank will also move to the right.
So if you have troubles like that in the runs you can try use that map to manipulate enemies. Just find in what slot problematic enemy spawns and what was previous enemy in that slot. So you can try to kill previous enemy in certain way to make other enemy move to different direction. Or you can try to keep previous enemy alive, so when scrolling cross the screen with problematic enemy it wouldn't spawn. By using this map you can know exactly whats going on and there is no need to guess what to do or something like that
edit: also those small fly-like enemies works differently. You can't manipulate or despawn them
Cmon guys. I don't think that you even know how powerful fceux and bizhawk are. Prerecorded runs are just childish stupid way to fake things. It's pretty easy to cheat using other tools and actually play live Kappa It doesn't matter if run was streamed or not.
edit: all those "no movie", input display, any other hud thing / message are easy to fake. It doesn't matter if those things are shown
edit2: So you have to allow that chinese run or delete all other suspicious emu runs. Because they are on the same level of trust Kappa You have to start from your own run k0zzx
So it's the same situation as when Billy Michel didn't submitted other guy Donkey Kong WR? Kappa I never though that speedrun.com gonna fall as low as twin galaxy Kappa
edit: if you don't want to submit other peoples runs and you can't explain why with using real facts then you can't be a moderator in my opinion. And you can't have your own run to be verified by yourself. Because this is exactly how corruption looks like
Please, tell me how you gonna spot a lua script that does Quick Kill on Boss in Pizza Cats. Like you can press button and here it's - quick kill. Even input display will show like correct buttons presses that human can do. So you can make as many runs as needed. You can mix quick kills and failled kills You can play live. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO SPOT THINGS LIKE THAT. How streaming attempts proves something?
edit: i think until you have REAL FACTS that run was cheated you can't remove it or blame that who made it are cheater. Because any run can be blamed as cheated
edit2: or speedrun.com should make their own emulator that wouldn't have tools and would constantly connect to the speedrun.com server and check for cheats, what input device used or something like that. Only like this run can be proven to be real at 100%. Until that your decision sound like corruption and discrimination, because you don't have real facts that run was cheated.
"like a time gradually improving, not just "hey man, i know no1 knows me but here's an awesome time, i didn't cheat, take my word for it". - this doesn't prove anything. You can make it look like you improving over the time and still use cheats. It's absolutely doesn't matter. "Stream attempts." Streaming attempts don't prove anything. It's hilarious! It's the same excuse as Billy Michel's. Like you have to play while crowd watching. You can stream and still use unfair key binds, lua scripts, prerecorded runs. "if ur going to claim wr, send me the video of that session of attempts" - it's possible to fake as many attempts as needed.
edit: it feels like that you want to delete particular runs so you made this "rules" to do it. Because everything you say doesn't matter and all those rules doesn't prove anything.
edit2: there was absolutely no real facts that Chinese run was cheated / fake. You can say about any run that it's fake and there is no way to actually prove that it's not