Yes you are able to record your DS for a run, but your game has to be in english or japanese
you can only have java 8 on your computer otherwise it wont work
if you route it out and run it, and post in the discord when you have it done then the will add it to the cat ext
a few tips, get all the manip programs and learn the manip, manipless is worse than doing manip over and over, learn on emu and create save states to practice, and best way to learn is get a save state that has a squirtle already and learn the run with that, also use the notes by pulseeffects here
US/PAL means that you can do it on either versions of the game from the US or PAL
The only way to submit it is GCN the since the game was only made for GCN even though the wii can play GCN games
@KilleDragon if you want that atm you can use the variable tab the mods arent sure atm whether they want to split yet
@KilleDragon No two gyms are different the 4th is either the ghost or fighting, and the 6th is either ice or rock depending on what version you got
The reason for no split atm is because the mods of the leaderboard dont want to make a split too early like they did with Let's Go and have to revert it