тема: Heavy Rain
Alaska, USAKevbot431 year ago

Id be up to add Perfect Crime if you can provide a recorded run.

тема: Alan Wake
Alaska, USAKevbot434 years ago

Yes. You can continue to the helicopter keys. Saves over a minute if done fast

MisterMunkki нравится это
тема: Alan Wake
Alaska, USAKevbot434 years ago

Not sure if its been found before.

PercivalPancake и Droogie4Ever нравится это
тема: Alan Wake
Alaska, USAKevbot434 years ago

Hello, I've been trying to get the autosplitter to work but am unable to. I was able to get it to work in the past but it seems that it does not work atm. Game version =

тема: Heavy Rain
Alaska, USAKevbot434 years ago

Theres a PC option for system now.

тема: Heavy Rain
Alaska, USAKevbot434 years ago

Pc version is pretty much glitchless at this point. You can still do a couple skips but mostly everything is patched out due to switching R2 walking to only joystick. If you and a few other people do runs there’s a possibility that we will add one.

тема: Life Is Strange
Alaska, USAKevbot437 years ago

The problem with this is that Avouca and I use both keyboard and controller. Controller for dialogue, Mouse and Keyboard for Focus and some camera movement. It wouldn't make sense to make another tab just for that because seeing how PS4 and PC are on the same tab I don't think another one will be make for just controller/ No controller.

тема: The Site
Alaska, USAKevbot437 years ago

Hello, I'm one of the runners that submitted for Blameless. I submitted to the No Vsync category and got rejected twice two days ago. (This is after Jmak submitted his run btw). GyroMan (Current Mod) watched my run, moved it to the Any% category because it was "breaking the rules" and that made me think " Why are the other two runs on the No Vsync category still when my run literally does the same trick but in a different spot?" First place run He's has to get high enough to clear an invisible wall even goes oob for a second My run I need to get high enough to clear the normal wall then im oob. (Seems like the same thing to me) So I resubmitted and asked him why he moved my run. he said "Reason: sorry I didnt set up the rules properly, I have changed them (Only takes out the no exploiting rule). Also what about the "no glitching through walls" part? (Isn't going oob wallgltiching???) First place didnt alter that rule in any way". After this he hasn't responded to my defences to the other runs on the leaderboard even though he's logged in today not even touching any of the runs. I understand people have lives outside of speedrunning. I dont understand why someone with moderation logs in and does nothing for the games they moderate. Looking at Info says he logged on today but no new runs on Any%? Still no updates about the Glitchless category?? No update about my run??? I don't understand what the issue is.

Lets top it off. A few days ago there was a post on reddit about the Blameless"Glitchless" Category. Runner Lovebot gets a new PB using 144 fps and gets instant WR. The other runs are all in 60 fps making some of the sections slower because the game loads based off of fps. its been a 4 days and GyroMan refuses to do anything about it. Not changing rules, not moving runs, not making this Meme category fair for everyone and not even communicating with anyone to get everyone's thoughts and opinions. Even though its a meme category the ruleset should still be solid enough so everyone has the same chance to compete for that Juicy 30 second WR. BTW first place in Any% doesn't even start the timer in the right spot and still got accepted. Only like 0.7 seconds off but it matters in a 30 second category. Please remove Gyroman and add someone who actually cares about people enjoying 2 minute meme categories.

YUMmy_Bacon5, SMuckleberry, и Jmak нравится это
тема: Firewatch
Alaska, USAKevbot437 years ago

Hello. Unfortunately this community doesn't have any active runners. The 100% catagory might bring some people back if we had a route for it. Also if you do route/run the 100% catagory and don't think the rules that are currently set are 100% then message me on the Firewatch Discord and I will change them. The rules we have now don't include a couple things like the hat at the start, getting all the map locations, and possibly getting all achievements. Thanks, Kevin.

тема: Life Is Strange
Alaska, USAKevbot437 years ago

Slevanas нравится это
тема: Life Is Strange
Alaska, USAKevbot437 years ago

peck324 и Slevanas нравится это
тема: Fallout 4
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Sounds good. I will try to configure my settings throughout attempts to see if it makes any changes, as well as checking everything you listed. I appreciate your help.

тема: Fallout 4
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Pc Specs: I7-3770 @ 3.4 GHz, 10 gb RAM DDR3, 1070 G1 8GB GTX, Windows 8.1, I have my FPS capped with DXtory at 60. My CPU, RAM and motherboard are about 4 years old if that helps. GPU and SSD are new.

тема: Fallout 4
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Appreciate the reply. I have turned down my graphics to medium/low and still get crashes. I've verified Game files and reran the downpatcher again to make sure nothing got bugged. It does seem like they are not as random as I first thought though. I've noticed it will crash when going into loading zones. The most frequent crash I've had Is exiting the sewer after doing the menu clip. (It has crashed three times here during a run). I've also crashed when doing save warps. Getting a successful save warp crashed my game on four occasions. . Not to sure what Else I can do about this since the game is downloaded on a brand new SSD and my computer temperatures seem to be normal. If its just because of the game then that's pretty acceptable since we are running the game on the earliest patch.. Thanks, Kevin.

тема: Fallout 4
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Hello, So I've been running this game for the past few days and have been getting frequent crashes when loading into new areas.The crashes seem to be random, because I can reload the game and resume the run as normal but lose time in the process I get no message saying fallout has crashed, just crashes right to desktop. Is this normal because its on a early patch? Is there a way to fix this?

тема: Firewatch
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Hey, So I've been messing with this for a bit and found nothing. I've tried lowering my fps down to 15-30 with no changes. I've tried increasing my quality settings + the lowered fps, still nothing. I've tried recording with all these things and no change ( might be because of my i-7). I'm starting to think that this trick is either very difficult to pull off or it was a completely random occurrence. What are your PC specs, also have you been able to replicate it since posting this? (The program I used to lower my FPS is called Dxtory if you are wondering. Or you can use Nividia Inspector)

тема: Firewatch
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

Hello, so I will not be running 100% because the game has lost its appeal to me. I'm thinking of moving on to another game very soon and dropping this one all together due to the lack of interest I have in shaving off those pesky 9 seconds in Any%. So If you do route and main 100% be sure to contact Troufiniou so you can get Mod on the firewatch page since we dont have any 100% mods.

тема: Firewatch
Alaska, USAKevbot438 years ago

So over the past few days I've noticed my game running REALLY bad, Like full second stutters every 20 seconds from the world loading in objects. If you're also having this problem, this solution worked very well for me and now my game is running at 60 fps with minimal stuttering issues. Nvidia inspector: (If you have Nividia Cards) I turned on "Vsync" "Triple Buffering" and "Max Pre-Rendered Frames =1" . I also turned on vsync in the game. In-game settings: Shadow Quality: Medium World Detail: High SSAO Quality: High Light Shafts: Low Motion Blur: Off Bloom: High Now this may not work for everyone because everyone has a different setup.

davidlyhrocks нравится это
О Kevbot43
9 years ago
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