Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie5 years ago

Alright. Sorry, I got confused by the wording. I'll just use one of the top 10 runs to solidify movement and boss strats then, like you said.

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie5 years ago

Ah, alright. I'll try to write down some notes based off those runs. Thanks!

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie5 years ago

I used BTrue's guide to get a feel for the route & boss strats, and I've been using RebelWatts' text guide to cover menuing. The text guide tells you to do extra save warps and menuing in Agrabah, even compared to BTrue's video guide. Are there more up-to-date notes out there? I don't want to spend too long learning the wrong route.

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie5 years ago

I've been learning Beginner Any%, but the text and video guides differ a lot, particularly in Traverse 2 and Agrabah. Are there more up-to-date notes available for this category? I'll re-learn movement if I have to, I just want to have the most current route possible.

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie6 years ago

Thanks for the clarifiication :)

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie6 years ago

Now that the Guest Star categories have been split into Original, Wave 1, and Wave 2, I'm a bit confused as to which runs can be submitted to each category. I automatically downloaded both Waves of DLC. Does that disqualify me from submitting an Original run, even if I never use the DLC characters?

For an example, say I want to submit a Meta Knight run to the Original leaderboard. However, in my video submission it's noticed that characters such as Marx and Dark Meta Knight appear in the Dream Rod selection, although they go unused. Does that run get moved to Wave 2, or would it be kept in Original?

тема: Metroid (NES)
Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie6 years ago

I've heard a lot about recording game footage and input delay, but I'd like to ask what setups speedrunners generally use for recording Metroid runs. Since most runners use NES, I'm guessing you use a CRT, which uses composite cables? How do you record that footage?

I have an Elgato Game Capture HD60, which only accepts HDMI input and output, so my first instinct would be to use two AV to HDMI converters in order to have composite cables as input from the NES and composite as output for the TV. Would this introduce as much input delay as just using an HDTV, or is that alright? If not, what other capture card would you recommend for recording older, non-HDMI consoles?

Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie6 years ago

I think it's safe to assume that if you can pick up recipes and have them count in the menu, they count towards 100%. As for the catch cards, I think it's the same deal: if it's registered in the menu, it counts for 100% (although the damage boost they provide is probably worth more than the coins you'd get by selling them). But I'm not a mod here, so this is just conjecture on my part.

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тема: The Site
Connecticut, USAJetstream_Jackie7 years ago

May I change my name to "Mexgar"? I chose the name "Dreffle" on a whim, and I don't like it very much. I've used the name "Mexgar" for much longer, and I'd like to keep doing so. I'd use my real name, but that includes a space. Thank you for considering

О Jetstream_Jackie
8 years ago
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