if my console's reset button is broken can i use everdrive's savestate function to load a state before losing 3 lives and game over
btw my everdrive itself dont have reseting function
so i thinking bout buying an nes and a crt recently and was wondering if a run with black and white one can be verified
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The current CR is 4:57.843 by a speedrunner called happyzombie (more commonly known as ogkkkejbd) I attend to break it but my sum of best is a sub 5 and never put it in a real time attack I want to know some tricks to get a CR
I know that LeKukie and niftski got themselves a tas tie 8-4,but i'v tried a lot of ways trying to get a dfa but failed can any body tell me how to do it?
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О JacobJY
super mario series speedrunner (actively running smb smb2j sm64 and some smb hacks)
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