Washington, USAImDoo_liss7 years ago

I remade my DE route I made a long time ago to accommodate the new Gobblegums. Here it is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKel601BPgNvB-hi8KLnWqdgcIBufMM0LTFp9fguToM/edit?usp=sharing

Break my old route to pieces!

Also Please let me know what you think of the route, if you think I could change things to optimize, or if you find my estimates to be blatantly wrong. Also LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU USE THE ROUTE. I saw multiple runs using my old route down to every detail and Id just like to know when people run it, both for credit and so I can make improvements.

Last thing, if you think I should make more routes for more maps let me know which one should be next. I know every map like the back of my hand at this point so Im more than happy to write one out if someone wants me to. Thanks again!

О ImDoo_liss
8 years ago
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