Im not entirely sure what an in-game replay looks like though? You have the option to just see an attempt of a different player, if this looks the exact same as playing yourself then people might be able to use this? If not then i dont see any issues.
Actually agree on that. With this color tab selection is a bit difficult to properly see but if there aren't many tabs then maybe it's not a problem. Idk what other colors would look like
I have to admit that I haven't been on this site for a while but I got a lot of notifications on some new runs so I decided to check it out. I have to say that it was very hard to actually find these new runs because of the way the leaderboards look like right now. Although I'm not 100% sure that what is proposed now is what it should look like, it is 100% an improvement on the current leaderboards. Now you cannot properly look at the times per map, you first have to pick the short and then the map but that makes little sense, since your not thinking 'hmm.. I wanna run short 2 for every map' instead you like a map and start running its shorts. With this in mind I think the proposed leaderboard is definitely an improvement.
(Off topic although leaderboard related, in Highway short II the time of DragonC007 has accidentally been submitted 1 second faster which should probably be fixed :) )
That's actually a good idea. I don't know how it would work on console though. I must say that i do like the category since it shows clear consistency instead of just randomly killing one of the shorts
I like the idea though it might be hard to check if a run is actually single segmented or copied together
So i guess you can't try to run those? lol?
I use the one in this thread on the previous page. But thanks for the help cause i was trying the trick time after time while the settings just didnt allow me to do it, but now i can get it! Thanks
Okay thanks very much! However this isn't the best nido available right? Cuz' i'm looking at the exarion beginner guide and it says 14 defense is best stat but i only have 13. Other stats are correct tough.
Ahh thank you very much. I got it instantly first try now :). But this is another emulator right? Is it allowed to use this BGB one? Also should i know more settings for later in the run or is everything correct now?
I have a question about this nido manip. I've been using the emulator that was linked in the rules. And i checked on "Original GBC RNG" in the settings, because i assume that this is necessary? Do i need to do other things in my settings in the emulator or download additional software to get this to work? Because i feel like i'm giving the proper inputs but i can't get it to work. Of course i may very well just be bad. Also, will you always find the nidoran on the same exact tile? Thanks in advance
Nice to see someone new to the leaderboards! There are quite a lot of different ranks (per map, per gamemode etc.) and i believe it may differ for console and PC but i may be wrong here. Furthermore if you look at the highest people on the leaderboards it are mostly just glitches. People with highscores of like 9 billion points but if you watch their replay they barely make a million. So I'm not sure if the leaderboards are the best way for comparison but i'll let you know if you tell me the exact rank you're looking for.
Welcome to the leaderboards!
P.S. I also solely created an account for submitting runs to this game, but once i got into speedrunning I tried to run some other games.
I've succesfully downloaded and used FCEUX to play this game. Thanks for the help!
Because i wanna try to run the game myself. And i didnt know how to do it. Thanks for the information
Since i'm not sure where else to ask i thought i'd try it here. If it's not appropriate i understand and you can delete this thread.
I've seen a lot of runs are done one NES^emu. Wich is an emulator for the NES right? So these runs are just done on a pc? Can one of the people who use such a system explain to me how they got it? And can i run this game on pc if i also get this emulator? And where do you guys even get this old (yet awesome) game? Thanks in advance
Not sure if there is much to improve. The one thing we're probably lacking is activity. But not sure how to get more people into it.
Yeah and his offline period before this one was also more than 2 weeks i believe. An extra mod would be super helpfull. The game actually had another mod but he has either quit or was unmodded by someone. I honestly believe that we need a new supermod but i suppose an extra regular mod would be ok.
Since i uploaded today i'm assuming my runs aren't affected. Furthermore why wouldnt replays be allowed? If it's clearly seen that the submitter is the one who did the run (via the timestamp on pc or via menu on xbox/PS) why does it matter that its a replay?